
13 Snacks You Ate At Every 80s Birthday Party That You're Going To Start Craving Again

It doesn't matter that you can go to basically any grocery store and find a confetti cake mix. That's not the point. Never again will you be able go to Stacey Whatsherface's house and eat five cupcakes, a whole bag of a Cheetos, and a liter of fruit punch and have it bring you the same amount of joy. Right? Birthday party food just tastes better. The same bag of Cheetos tastes just fifty times better at a birthday party. I don't know why, no one does. It's one of life's greatest mysteries. Birthday party snacks are easily the highlight


Discovery Zone Was The Best Place For A 90s Birthday Party And Here's Why

Your birthday was basically the most important holiday of the year when you were a kid. Sure, Christmas was great, Easter was fun, and Thanksgiving had great food and all, but all of those days were focused on everyone else. On your birthday, people gave you the choice of what you want to do. You get to pick the place, you get to pick the food, and you get to pick the theme. There are of course a lot of options when it comes to birthday party locations. People would sometimes go to the movies, go bowling, or have a