
10 Banned Episodes Of Your Favorite Shows That Seem Tame By Today's Standards

American television audiences love two things: shows that push the envelope, and complaining about popular shows that push the envelope.While some episodes of our favorite shows were pulled off the air for racy humor, others were just victims of bad timing. Looking back decades later, it can be hard to believe these 10 episodes were so controversial:1. Seinfeld - "The Puerto Rican Day" One of the highest rated episodes of the hit comedy show was also its most controversial. When Kramer (that incorrigible scamp) accidentally sets a Puerto Rican flag on fire during the annual Puerto Rican Day

Pop Culture

7 Ads We Grew Up With That Would Definitely Get Banned Today

Every company can tell you that satisfying the public is one of the hardest parts of brand management. One way to reach out to existing customers while drawing in some new ones is through advertisement campaigns. Companies have tried all sorts of techniques and creative angles to sell their products to us, they've toyed with our feelings and pulled at out heartstrings more times than we'd really like to admit. However, there have been times when they've also made us feel extremely uncomfortable by crossing the line. Some brands, like Calvin Klein, have pushed the envelope so far that they've


The Real Reason Lawn Darts Became The Most Infamous Toy In History

Lawn darts were a big part of our childhood, but now they are really hard to find - at least the kind we remember. Rumors have always been swirling about why the popular toy was banned, with some people saying that it was actually because a child died. Sarcasm.coIt's hard to believe that a children's toy would have been made if it could harm a child, so a lot of people just push this rumor aside as merely a scare tactic. However, it is actually true. The FDA had banned the sale of lawn darts as a toy in


6 Forgotten Toys That Will Make You Wonder How Anyone Survived Childhood In The 60s

The 60s and 70s were kind of a wild time. There was a lot going on politically, but for those of us who were just kids, we were just concerned with one thing: toys. Nothing else really mattered. Looking back, a lot of the stuff from our childhoods were pretty strange. How many of these things do you recognize? Hypo-Squirt Needle Timm CarneyFor some reason, Hasbro thought it would be fine to make a toy that looked like a big needle. It was actually just a water gun, but it became a complete PR nightmare when the media started to


10 Episodes From Your Favorite Shows That Were Too 'Offensive' For Re-Runs

Making TV shows isn't all Hollywood glamour and celebrities. Sometimes there are important discussions that need to happen regarding what's allowed on the network, what should be discussed, and what is worth the risk. This becomes extra complicated when you are making television shows for kids. There are surprising number of kids' shows that ended up getting some episodes banned. Shows you would NEVER suspect, like Sesame Street or Mister Rogers. GiphyHere are just some of the episodes of your favorite kids' shows that you have never seen because they were deemed too inappropriate for kids. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood -


Tours Banned From Visiting 'Full House' Location After Neighbors Tell Them To 'Cut It Out'

Watching Full House as a kid was one of the most important things we had to do. Every week we would tune in to see how the Tanner family was doing, and after all those years it started to feel kind of like it was our house too. As all of us 90s kids got older, we realized that this house was actually a real place, and while we couldn't go inside of it, we could at least do a tour where we saw the outside in person. There were a lot of different tours that would take big groups