New Details Revealed About The 'Are You Afraid Of The Dark' Movie, And We're So Ready

Watching Are You Afraid Of The Dark when we were kids was probably the most thrilling part of our days. We would watch it every single time it was on, whether or not we had already seen the episode, and get completely freaked out each time. It didn't matter if it was the first time were were hearing the stories told by the Midnight Society or the tenth, because they were super spooky every time. Of all the scary shows, it was definitely the best. When they announced that they were making a movie based on the classic, we were

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7 Times "Are You Afraid Of The Dark" Made Us Question If It Was Actually A Kids Show

Are You Afraid of the Dark was such an iconic kids show from the late 90s and early 2000s. There wasn't much better than sitting around on a Friday night to watch the latest episode, hoping that it wouldn't be so creepy as to give you nightmares. It was one of my favorite shows as a kid, but now as I sit there and watch episodes with my own kids, I can't help but wonder how it was ever a children's show in the first place. Sure, some of the episodes are cheesy and more than a little bit stupid,


Assemble The Midnight Society, Because 'Are You Afraid Of The Dark?' Is Coming Back

There was one simple question that haunted us through our childhoods, and honestly still sends a shiver up our spine to this day. "Are You Afraid Of The Dark?" was one of our favorite shows, but also the source of almost all of our nightmares. It was a Nickelodeon show that ran from 1992-1996, and in its short run managed to gain quite a following. The spooky stories that they told still haunt us to this day, but honestly, we want more. NickelodeonThe teens in the show were all a part of 'The Midnight Society', where they would gather around