
20 Bedding Sets That Every 90s Kid Dreamed Of Having When They Were Kids

I know that when most 90s kids looked through the Sears Wishbook, they focused on the toys. I definitely spent my fair share of time flipping through the pages of Barbies and Lego, but there was always one section that I couldn't resist and I cannot be the only one. Every single year, I would flip through the toys first, but then move on with excitement to the bedding section. Seeing all the latest and greatest comforters and blankets always brought a smile to my face.I don't know how many Christmases I asked for a "Bed-in-a-Bag" set that would


Polly Pocket Is Going Back To Her Roots With A Brand New 90s-Inspired Collection

Who else remembers growing up when our dream toys were these plastic little compacts that had a whole little world inside?  Those little Polly Pockets were everything we wanted. Even though they were such a simple little concept, they managed to fill our imaginations and we loved them. They had so many different kinds of Polly Pockets. Ones based on movies, ones based on fairy tales, and others that are just fun creations of their own.EtsyWhether we were adventuring with Jasmine and Aladdin in Agrabah or having a fun castle adventure, we managed to see these little peg


15 Of The Most Important Celebrity Mullets That Are Too Iconic To Forget

Let's talk about mullets. Yes, mullets. Why? Because they are an important part of our past, one that we should look at with reverence and admiration, not disgust and agony. Listen, I know what you're thinking. "Mullets aren't cool anymore, why would you still admire them?" Well, because they were a thing of beauty. It was a commitment, it was a brave choice, it was a bold look, and it was iconic. It wasn't just your average Joe's haircut, it was every celebrity in Hollywood, rocking those multi-leveled hairstyles like you wouldn't believe. I know it's hard to remember now.


Study Reveals Each State's Favorite 90s Cartoon And The Results Are Unexpected

Everyone has their own favorite cartoon, but have you ever wondered if the one you loved most had anything to do with where you grew up? Maybe you just related to the characters more, maybe everyone in your town just had a big phase where you all watched the same shows, or maybe it's completely based on the channels you had available. A lot of factors influence which shows are your favorite, but the 90s had a lot of good options to choose from. Kids shows in particular were absolutely epic in the 90s. There was something for everyone, but


The Feud Between The Original Aunt Viv and Will Smith Just Got More Intense

We've known for a while now that the feud between Will Smith and the Original Aunt Vivian, Janet Hubert, has been burning for decades now. It's like a constant breeze, we just kind barely notice it most of the time, but every once and a while the winds kick up and it's knocking us to the ground and tearing down all of our tree branches. The fact is, Smith and Hubert do not get along. Not one bit. But now, decades since they last worked together, there is new fuel to the fire of this feud that has people talking.


Backstreet Boys Watched Teens React To Their 90s Music Videos And We Feel Ancient

The Backstreet Boys are true legends to those of us who grew up in the 90s. We know all the words to all of their songs, we tried to learn the dances in the music videos, and we can absolutely pick out who is who. We know that Nick is the youngest one with the bright blonde hair cut into a glorious mushroomSuper PopWe know that Howie has gone through a few long hair phases and often danced around without a shirt onTiger BeatWe know that A.J.'s 90s goatee was on another levelBOPWe know that Kevin is the


Backstreet Boys Released A New Song And We Are Having A Lot Of Feelings About It

Backstreet's Back, ALRIGHT! That's right, our favorite boy band is back. Okay, so they never really left, but that doesn't fit the theme of the song so too bad. The Backstreet Boys have released the first single off their new album and not only that, it's complete with a 90s style video. The boys dance in unison, have some dramatic poses, they make some emotional faces, and above all else, they sing their hearts out. YouTubeHonestly, watching the video brought me right back to 1999. The video is absolutely everything you want from a boy band. It even has some


10 Things You Haven't Thought About In Forever That'll Make You Miss Being A Kid

Being a kid is pretty awesome. You don't have to pay bills, your fridge is just always stocked with your favorite foods even though you never went to the grocery store, and honestly school isn't that hard (at least compared to grown up life). There are obviously a lot of things we miss about being a kid, but if you asked if I wanted to go back in time I would say absolutely not. I don't want to go through puberty again, no thank you. Instead, I'm just going to remember all the things that I used to love, without


10 Beauty Essentials Every 90s Girl Kept In Her Caboodle

Growing up we didn't necessarily get a lot of privacy. Sure, we had our bedrooms, but it always felt like anyone could just walk in. The only truly private place was the bathroom. The bathroom was a pretty important room for a 90s girl, and yes I know that's a weird sentence, but it's true. There are completely different items in the bathroom now - medicines, women shavers, like these, or something for adults. It used to be very different before.That's where you learn all about makeup, it's where you get to try out all the coolest hairstyles, and


He's One Of Those Actors You Recognize But Can't Name, But Where Is Jonathan Hyde Now

There are a lot of actors whose faces you recognize, but their names just won't stick in your head. They show up in all your favorite movies but still you just can never place them. You may not immediately recognize the name Jonathan Hyde, but his face is one you couldn't possibly forget. Seriously, remember him? Paramount PicturesHe's been in a bunch of your favorite movies including Jumanji, Titanic, and The Mummy, but it feels like it's been so long since he's been front and center. But seriously, he's had a lot of huge roles that you may have forgotten.