
We Finally Have More Details About The New Live Action 'Anastasia' Movie

Last year, just in time for the 20th anniversary of Anastasia, it was announced that the movie will be joining the ranks of Beauty and Beast and The Lion King by getting both the Broadway musical and live-action treatments. The 1997 film tells the story of a long-lost Romanov princess who was separated from her family and became an orphan. She eventually left her orphanage, but had to make a decision about her future - to continue living as "Anya the Orphan" or travel to Paris on a "journey to her past."Considering that it was one of the best


Ready To Feel Old? Check Out What The Cast Of 'Fresh Prince' Look Like Today

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is hands down one of the funniest shows of the '90s, and one of the few sitcoms from that era we're happy to rewatch again and again.Despite the show's successful six-year run, only Will Smith managed to hang onto his star power through the years.So what have the rest of the cast been up to?Will Smith - The Fresh PrinceLet's get this out of the way, because we know you already know:After proving his acting talent on TV, Smith became box office gold with blockbusters like Independence Day, Bad Boys, and


10 Things You'll Only Understand If You Grew Up With Strict Parents

Everyone who says parents are more strict today clearly never grew up in my household. I'm 25 years old and still get nervous when I have a drink because my parents made me think it was illegal to be drunk. They also made it seem like dating in high school was the end of the world and would derail your entire future. Sure, there may be more parents out there today who impose strict rules on their kids, but let's not pretend there weren't strict parents when we were growing up. This list is sure to give flashbacks to any

Pop Culture

7 Of Our Favorite 90s Couples That Are Still Living Their Happily Ever After

In Hollywood, we often see relationships lasting for a couple of years, at most. Not often do we see celebrity couples lasting for decades. Here are your favorite 90s couples that are still together:1. Will and Jada Pinkett SmithThey first met on the set of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, but didn't start dating until much later. They got married in 1997 and have since had two children together that are following in their footsteps. Willow is a singer and Jaden is an actor.boredpanda2. David and Victoria BeckhamWhen they met in 1997, everyone loved them and looked up to


The 6 Most Satisfying '90s Kisses That Made Us All Scream "YES"

Sometimes a movie or TV series likes to tease a romance for far too long. We can pick up on the tension between two characters, and watching their relationship develop is honestly such an emotional roller-coaster. We know it wouldn't be the same if they acted on their instant connection right away, and these 6 kisses waited until the best possible moment before they set fireworks off in our hearts!How Stella Got Her Groove BackThe rain pouring down on the taxi wasn't enough to hide our tears as Winston made his way to the airport, but our hearts leaped


Activities All '90s Kids Loved That We Completely Forgot About

In 2018, kids eat Tide Pods. In the 90s, we really knew how to have fun without seriously damaging our organs. Here's a list of our favorite 90s activities you almost forgot:1. Mad LibsWhen we were young we used these to practice how to use nouns, verbs and adjectives. When we got a little older we learned which dirty words were nouns, verbs and adjectives. We thought we were hilarious and prayed our moms never found it and read it. amazon2. Skip-ItThe Skip-It was a close second to the ultimate ankle destroyer, after the Razor Scooter of course. This


5 Retro Trends That Are Back And Better Than Ever And Will Make You Proud To Be A '90s Kid

Guys, it seems like no matter how fast we run, we cannot escape 90s fashion. Just kidding! Who would want to! The 90s had some of the best looks around, and we should honestly be honored that the young people of today still want to sport our epic styles. It's well known that fashion is cyclical, and every few years all the things you once said was 'out of fashion' comes back, stronger than ever. Now, all your best 90s outfits are all the rage, and honestly we're a little disappointed that we didn't keep our original "vintage" items. As