
Lip Smacker's New Christmas Collection Brings Back Your 90s Favorites. All Of Them.

If there was one product that you had to pick that would best represent what it was like to be a preteen in the 90s, I think a lot of us girls would agree that Lip Smackers would be the best choice. These little tubes of oftentimes glittered, scented, colorful lip-balm made us all feel like the fanciest of ladies, totally ready to grab our purses and do whatever it is that our moms did when they weren't paying attention to us. You had so many different choices too. You'd have a classic berry scented red Lip Smacker, you'd have


An App Has Discovered How To Help Us Sleep Better, And The Answer Is 90s Movies

These days it feels as though we are all in a constant state of exhaustion. No matter what, we all seem to be more tired than we'd like to be. Whether it's bad sleeping habits, interrupted sleep, or just simply being too busy, the fact of the matter is a lot of us who are in our late 20s and early 30s are just tired. Why are we so tired though? Well, scientists claim that it's because we aren't sleeping well enough, but one company has found a way to combat that and it's kind of wild. The self-care app


Disney Has Released New 90s Themed Merchandise, And Now We've Got To Go Shopping

I think we can all all agree that Disney movies are basically perfect right? Sure, there are some aspects of them that are a little outdated when it comes to the princesses, but our nostalgia filters have kind of blurred all of those lines anyways, so we can just appreciate them for being great. The songs, the stories, and all the characters were the stars of our childhoods, and we were all lucky enough to grow up during the famous Disney renaissance that brought us a whole new era of classics. Another bonus of living through the 90s meant that


A TGIF Reunion Happened And We Didn't Know How Much We Needed It

Who else spent every Friday night watching the best block of television ever? After a long week at school, you wanted to kick back and visit with the Tanners, the Winslows, or the Matthews family, and so that's what we did. Sure, Saturday mornings were for cartoons, but Friday nights were sitcom heaven. You had Boy Meets World, Family Matters, Perfect Strangers, and Full House, and paired with a big bowl of ice cream or chips, you were ready to launch yourself into the weekend right. ABC's TGIF programming was iconic. It was everything we wanted it to be and


Caboodles Vintage Cases Are Back In Stores And You Can Get One For A Steal

What year is it again? With the fanny pack as the new "it" bag, Sony bringing back the original PlayStation, the Backstreet Boys releasing new music, and shows like Party of Five returning to our television screens, I don't blame you for double checking that the calendar says 2018, not 1998. There's a serious 90s revival going on at the moment and so many of the things we loved, hated or just loved to hate, are once again becoming part of our lives. At the top of the list of the things that so many of us 90s girls definitely


'Mermaids' Was The Weirdest Movie Of The 90s But No One Remembers It

There are a lot of forgotten movies from our childhood. Some probably deserve to be forgotten, while others were too weird so they were just not appreciated as much as they should have been. One of these often ignored movies was the 1990 movie Mermaids. Sure, it's not really about mermaids specifically, but if there is any human in the world who is basically a real-life mermaid, it would be Cher. It's definitely a weird movie though, I mean, do you even remember how insane the plot was? Cher stars in this bizarre story about an unconventional family in the


The Original Tamagotchi Is Back So Now A Whole New Generation Can Fail At Keeping Them Alive

Who else remembers the first creature you were responsible taking care of? Sure, your family may have had a dog or a cat that you claimed you'd "walk every day" or "clean the litter box" but we all know you never did. Instead, all of us can thank our Tamagotchis for teaching us about responsibility. We learned very quickly that if we didn't take care of them properly they were going to die. It was a hard lesson to learn as a young kid, but we all managed it well. Whether it needed to be fed, played with, or put


10 Baby Names From 80s And 90s Pop Culture That Deserve A Comeback

As we all get older and start having our own families, names start to become something that people consider a little bit more. Whether it's for your future child or your future pet, it is always nice to name things after something that means a lot to you. For all of us 80s and 90s kids, that means we have a lot of really iconic names to choose between. Whether it was movies, TV shows, music artists or anything else, there are so many iconic pop culture names that we should absolutely consider when we have to name something in


Forget Reboots, All Of Nickelodeon's Classics Are Coming To A Computer Near You

You know how everything and anything is being rebooted these days? Whether it's Roseanne, Alf, or even Frasier, a lot of us are getting really fed up with the attempts at bringing back our old favorites. Why are we so upset about it? Well, these shows were perfect to begin with, so why bother remake them? I would rather just watch all my favorite episodes again and again, I don't need new stories. If I wanted new stories I would watch something completely new and original, so just bring back the classics and let me live my nostalgia-based life.NickelodeonBut


Macaulay Culkin Turned Down "Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars" To Be On 'Big Bang Theory'

Even if you don't like the show, it's hard to deny that The Big Bang Theory has taken over television. If I hear one more person say "BAZINGA!" unironically, I might lose my mind. The show's stars have basically set themselves up for life with their contracts, each making $1 million per episode. It seems hard to believe that someone would turn down the opportunity to be a part of such a massive television hit, but Macaulay Culkin did just that. CBSIn the Home Alone actor's defense, though, he was offered the show before it even aired. That being said,