
Mel B. Claims A Spice Girls Reunion Tour Is Happening, No Matter What Victoria Says

It's been a wild few months for Spice Girls fans. First, we totally freaked out because they got together and hinted at a reunion, we heard the rumors of all of Victoria Beckham's conditions, then our hopes were completely dashed when she said there were no plans to tour, but reignited when they said there were other Spice Girl projects in the works. It's been months of torture for us, because we just want to know where we should set our standards. Are we getting some appearances on talk shows, or will they be doing full on concerts? We need


You Can Buy The Original Sweet Valley High Books From The 80s Again And We're Psyched

You remember all those Sweet Valley High books that you read 600 times while you were in middle school and high school? Well, someone has found a way to bring them back exactly as you remember them. Yes, you can still buy new versions of the books in most stores, but you've got to admit that there is nothing as satisfying as seeing those original covers with the Wakefield twins we remember from our childhood on the cover. These teen novels were what all of us were obsessed with, but unfortunately as we got older, a lot of us ended


Patrick Swayze's Former Co-Star Opens Up About Their On Set Feud

The movie To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newar may have a crazy title, but its plot was groundbreaking. It's one of the Patrick Swayze movies that a lot of people forget about, but they shouldn't. It stars Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and John Leguizamo and they each play a drag queen who are on their way to participate in the Miss Drag Queen of America Pageant. The movie caught a lot of people off guard, especially because it was 1995 and the drag scene wasn't as prevalent as it is now. Universal PicturesNow, Ru Paul's Drag Race is one


Cardigans Are Apparently Back In Style But The 90s Totally Did It Better

If we are being perfectly honest here, I didn't know cardigans ever really went out of style. Sure, people don't really wear them the same way as they used to, but there's still plenty available. But the thing is, the 90s were a prime time for sweater sets and cardigans. Not only were they available in a million color options, but they had a bunch of different designs and patterns that became popular. It seemed like every person had one either wrapped around their shoulders or wore it as a crop top in the 90s. Now they are apparently "back


WWE Wrestling Legend Big Van Vader Dead At 63

We all knew him as Big Van Vader, but to his family he was Leon White. Today, his son broke the news that his father had passed away. Vader, as he was known to fans, was 63 years old, and had been dealing with some health issues over the last few years. A couple of years ago, he revealed that he was suffering from congestive heart failure and that he would likely have two more years to live. Even though he had medical issues, he continued wrestling. But two years ago in Japan, he ended up collapsing in the ring.


Alicia Silverstone Revived Cher Horowitz On TV And It Was "Way Existential"

I don't know about you, but Clueless is probably one of my favorite movies of all time. The plot is based on Jane Austen's Emma and it gives us 90s girls a modern take on something that has been around for so long. The movie itself was a feat, taking something that would be considered a "chick flick" and making it a real 90s classic, and after all these years we're all still obsessed. Admit it, you still quote it regularly. There are too many good lines to choose between, so we tend to say them all. Alicia Silverstone became


20 Bedding Sets That Every 90s Kid Dreamed Of Having When They Were Kids

I know that when most 90s kids looked through the Sears Wishbook, they focused on the toys. I definitely spent my fair share of time flipping through the pages of Barbies and Lego, but there was always one section that I couldn't resist and I cannot be the only one. Every single year, I would flip through the toys first, but then move on with excitement to the bedding section. Seeing all the latest and greatest comforters and blankets always brought a smile to my face.I don't know how many Christmases I asked for a "Bed-in-a-Bag" set that would


Polly Pocket Is Going Back To Her Roots With A Brand New 90s-Inspired Collection

Who else remembers growing up when our dream toys were these plastic little compacts that had a whole little world inside?  Those little Polly Pockets were everything we wanted. Even though they were such a simple little concept, they managed to fill our imaginations and we loved them. They had so many different kinds of Polly Pockets. Ones based on movies, ones based on fairy tales, and others that are just fun creations of their own.EtsyWhether we were adventuring with Jasmine and Aladdin in Agrabah or having a fun castle adventure, we managed to see these little peg


15 Of The Most Important Celebrity Mullets That Are Too Iconic To Forget

Let's talk about mullets. Yes, mullets. Why? Because they are an important part of our past, one that we should look at with reverence and admiration, not disgust and agony. Listen, I know what you're thinking. "Mullets aren't cool anymore, why would you still admire them?" Well, because they were a thing of beauty. It was a commitment, it was a brave choice, it was a bold look, and it was iconic. It wasn't just your average Joe's haircut, it was every celebrity in Hollywood, rocking those multi-leveled hairstyles like you wouldn't believe. I know it's hard to remember now.


Study Reveals Each State's Favorite 90s Cartoon And The Results Are Unexpected

Everyone has their own favorite cartoon, but have you ever wondered if the one you loved most had anything to do with where you grew up? Maybe you just related to the characters more, maybe everyone in your town just had a big phase where you all watched the same shows, or maybe it's completely based on the channels you had available. A lot of factors influence which shows are your favorite, but the 90s had a lot of good options to choose from. Kids shows in particular were absolutely epic in the 90s. There was something for everyone, but