
20 Facts That Will Make You Feel Like Decades Passed While You Weren't Looking

They say that time passes more quickly the older you get, and considering that with every passing year I get increasingly jealous of how well Betty White has aged compared to me, I'm starting to feel like that's a legit thing. Live footage of me, right nowGiphyAnd as we get older, there are all sorts of interesting facts that start popping up to remind us that time is slipping away from us, and clearly it's all the younger generation's fault. Here are some of the things that are forcing us to ask "just where has the time gone?"Also me.


We Finally Have An Explanation For Die Hard's Biggest Plot Hole

After Die Hard was released in theaters in 1988, it became one of the biggest action movies of all time. And that still holds true today. Whether you watch it every Christmas or when you have a hankering to see Bruce Willis kick some ass, there's no doubt that Die Hard never gets boring. At the time, Bruce Willis was known for the TV series Moonlighting, but this film skyrocketed him into stardom. Hollywood ReporterDie Hard became so popular that it was followed by four sequels, and there may be one more in the works. As great as the original


12 Perfumes That Will Transport You Right Back To The 80s

Our sense of smell is closely linked with our memories which explains why we get flooded with nostalgia every time we smell something associated with our past. If you grew up in the 80s, you'll recall that people did not settle for basic. Everything from their hair and clothes to the perfume they wore were far from subtle. Designers took advantage of this brazenness and created some strong scents that matched. They also didn't hold back on the controversial names and bizarre campaigns. AmazonPeople in the 80s embraced these scents and grew very fond of them. In fact, Andy Warhol


'Heathers' Reboot Pushed Back "Out Of Respect"

The 1988 movie Heathers was basically the original Mean Girls. Winona Ryder, Shannen Doherty, Lisanne Falk, and Kim Walker played a clique of high school girls who were the epitome of terrifying teens. Ryder's character, Veronica, misses her old friends and hates that she's part of the Heathers. Her psychotic boyfriend J.D., played by Christian Slater, goes around killing all the people he doesn't like, which includes the Heathers. Ah, to be young again! The movie is a cult classic, and gave us iconic lines like "What's your damage?" and "f--k me gently with a chainsaw..." But people were


Time To Get Back To Work Because '9 To 5' Is Getting Remade, And You'll Actually Be Excited For It

Watching 9 To 5 as a young woman was always a fun experience. There was something so satisfying about watching these three smart women work together to take down their corrupt boss .Sure, we could argue about the legalities of them holding their boss captive, but what's the fun in that! He was a bad man who was lying, blackmailing, and was just all around evil, so the fact that they had to trap him to find out that he was embezzling money from the company is not the point. My main takeaway, as a younger girl who didn't understand


10 Banned Episodes Of Your Favorite Shows That Seem Tame By Today's Standards

American television audiences love two things: shows that push the envelope, and complaining about popular shows that push the envelope.While some episodes of our favorite shows were pulled off the air for racy humor, others were just victims of bad timing. Looking back decades later, it can be hard to believe these 10 episodes were so controversial:1. Seinfeld - "The Puerto Rican Day" One of the highest rated episodes of the hit comedy show was also its most controversial. When Kramer (that incorrigible scamp) accidentally sets a Puerto Rican flag on fire during the annual Puerto Rican Day