
15 Of The Most Important Celebrity Mullets That Are Too Iconic To Forget

Let's talk about mullets. Yes, mullets. Why? Because they are an important part of our past, one that we should look at with reverence and admiration, not disgust and agony. Listen, I know what you're thinking. "Mullets aren't cool anymore, why would you still admire them?" Well, because they were a thing of beauty. It was a commitment, it was a brave choice, it was a bold look, and it was iconic. It wasn't just your average Joe's haircut, it was every celebrity in Hollywood, rocking those multi-leveled hairstyles like you wouldn't believe. I know it's hard to remember now.


10 Fashion Disasters We All Suffered Through In The 80s That We Wish We Could Forget

Never in my life have I claimed to be fashionable. I am almost always years behind in trends, and honestly I just wear what is most comfortable. However, when we were all kids and young adults in the 80s, we obviously had a lot more time and energy to devote to our clothing choices and let's just say we all made some mistakes. Trying to keep up with the trends is not only exhausting, but it means you're going to end up with a lot of embarrassing pictures of your past. The trendy thing that was all the rage? Yep,


7 Things We All Had To Do In The 80s That Kids Today Wouldn't Believe

The 80s were a pretty crazy time. We all accidentally inhaled a lot of Aquanet hairspray, everything was very colorful, and we all were busy watching MTV. Times have changed a lot in the last 30+ years, and now the world is barely recognizable. So much was different, especially for kids. Kids don't grow up the same way that we used to. They don't have the same issues that we did, they don't have the same hobbies as we did, and they certainly would have no idea how to handle themselves back in the 80s. If you were to send


25 Incredible Tattoos That'll Make You Nostalgic For Your Childhood

When we grew up, tattoos seemed to be just for the 'edgy' people. Or at least that's what my parents always told me. But luckily, times have changed, and people's views on tattoos have too. You don't have to be some rough biker to get a tattoo, you can be an accountant, a college student, or a doctor. It really doesn't matter. It's your body, do with it what you will. Personally, I love tattoos and think they are such a good way to express yourself and the things you love. And what do we all love more than anything?


10 Stories From 'The Breakfast Club' Set That'll Make You Glad You Never Got Saturday Detention

We all identified with one of them. Whether it was the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, or the criminal, one of those characters felt like they fit our experience.The Breakfast Club has managed to become one of those iconic movies that completely defines a generation, and yet there is still so much we don't know about the movie. Universal PicturesObviously working on a movie set with a bunch of young actors can get a little bit stressful, but some of the things that the cast and crew have revealed about their experience is pretty surprising. Honestly,


5 Fashion Items That Have Been Successfully Resurrected, And 5 We'd Rather Stay Dead

Fashion is one of those things that seems to have a cycle that everything follows, so the same things become popular every few years. It has been happening since the dawn of fashion really, but it's just a lot weirder when it's the stuff you grew up wearing. When you see a young kid rock the same style of outfit you wore when you were their age you suddenly feel like you've traveled through time. You'd expect for fashion to evolve over the years, but it honestly doesn't. It just spins in circles, occasionally scooping up some new additions or


10 Things We Grew up Doing That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

There's something so complicated about getting older, because it's not just our bodies that changes, it's the world around us. So while we get older and start experiencing all these aches and pains (hey mystery back spasm, I'm talking to you), we also have to accept the fact that things that used to seem normal to us are no longer acceptable. Gone are the days of saying things without a second thought, or doing things without technology, because the world is a different place than it used to be. Granted it changes every year, and I'm sure our childhood was


'Happy Days' Star Reveals Which Cast Member They Didn't Get Along With And It's Absolutely Heartbreaking

Happy Days was one of the most beloved shows on TV. It had 11 seasons, and each of them managed to relate to families all over the country. It was one of those shows that you could watch with your family, but was entertaining enough that you actually enjoyed it. It was set back in the 50s and 60s, even though the show was running in the 70s and 80s, but it gave it that nostalgic feeling we all loved. The show followed Richie Cunningham, his dad, Howard, his mom, Marion, and his sister, Joanie, as they navigated through the


15 Toys You Loved As A Kid But Then Completely Forgot Existed

The best thing about being a kid is that you have roughly zero responsibilities. Sure, you need to go to school, but honestly that's pretty simple. The only thing that we really cared about was playing with our toys. You might think that because our only concern was those wonderful toys, that we would remember them all, but that's where you're wrong. Our brains have been filled with useless and boring facts like how to file our taxes and how to pay our bills, so all of our favorite toys have slipped away. But don't worry, we've got you covered.


Middle-Aged Man Has Collected Over 5,000 Barbies, And My Inner Child Is Getting Jealous

Collecting Barbies was basically the most important thing to me when I was a young girl. I probably had more than a dozen, and I loved each and every one of them. As I grew older, and I didn't want to play with Barbies anymore, I slowly let go of my collection, passing them down to younger cousins and selling them at garage sales. I don't have any left now, but sometimes when you see the commercials it gives you that little warm nostalgic feeling. One man however, went ahead and decided that his desire for nostalgia would trump all