
After 15 Years Apart, BBMak Are Finally "Back Here" Again

As the 90s faded out, and the new millennium rushed forward, a lot changed. Clothes became very shiny, hair became excessively straightened, and people started to get cellphones. There was one thing that didn't change right away though, and that was that boy bands still reigned supreme. Backstreet Boys and *Nsync were obviously the two biggest groups who were constantly in a battle for the crown, but there was an entire league of boy bands that had a whole bunch of hits that a lot of us were completely obsessed with. BBMak was one of those bands. While they may


Leonardo Dicaprio's Movie 'The Beach' Almost Destroyed A Thai Paradise, But They're Trying To Save It

Once a pristine Thai paradise, the secluded bay made famous by the Leonardo DiCaprio movie The Beach has been exhausted by mass tourism. Now it's getting a break.The Beach came out in the year 2000, so it was in the height of the "Leonardo DiCaprio Craze." Every preteen was in love with him, had his posters on their wall, and watched everything he made. Obviously we were all going to check out this movie, but I don't know that we expected such an insane thriller. Between the multiple deaths, the crazy maps, and all of the scandalous behavior, it's


20 Statements You Haven't Heard Since You Were A Kid That'll Flood Your Brain With Memories

Growing up, there are always phrases that are pretty specific to the time period. It's the same for every generation. There's always those statements that seem so relevant at the time, but looking back it feels ridiculous. Think about it, our parents didn't have flat screen TVs, a Nintendo, or the internet, those only became popular when we were kids. We are really lucky to have grown up in the time that we did, because we have gotten to experience the insanely fast technological advances that have been going on. Remember your first internet experience? You can probably still hear


20 Songs You Always Listened To On Your Discman That You Haven't Thought About Since

There really is no other way to put this, if you remember these songs you are definitely getting closer to 30+, than you are to 21. There are songs on this list that we wish we could forget, and the younger generation should be glad that they never had to live through a time where these were blasting on car radios. But some of these hits bring back memories of simpler times, handing out with our friends, doing things we enjoyed before we had to start "adulting".  1. Strong Enough - Cher Cher has been around forever. This isn't


10 Songs That We Used To Cure Our Angst In The Early 2000s

Puberty hits everybody like a ton of bricks, and nobody moreso than teenage girls. School is a social nightmare when you're trying to figure out who you are as a person, and you have all these FEELINGS!Chances are, whenever life was getting you down, you went home, turned on one of these 10 songs, and let the tears just flow.Avril Lavigne - "Complicated"Seriously, why DID you have to go and make things so complicated? Avril's ode to teenage love and awkwardness was pretty emblematic of everyone's first relationships.My Chemical Romance - "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)


We Now Know What M2M Has Been Up To Since The Day They Went Away

Many will argue that girl groups had their heyday in the early 60s, but as someone who grew up a few decades later, I believe that the 90s were the decade for female musical groups. From Spice Girls to TLC, all-girl bands were all the rage, and to this day, we still blast their songs and sing along at the top of our lungs. But while many delivered cheesy, bubblegum tunes that we all loved, there were some that stepped outside of the box, and brought something different to the table. Norwegian girl duo M2M were a perfect example.Compromised


A Party Just Wasn't A Party Without These 10 Jams From The 2000s

The early 2000s were a pretty good time to be a teenager. It was a transition time between the 90s (which were terrible for a lot of reasons) and the current culture that we have now (which needs no explanation). The house parties I went to in those years were pretty good, and we had some pretty good music to jam out to while we drank our sodas. And we all know that a party just wasn't a party without some great music. Here are 10 jams from the early 2000s that you would (and expect) to hear when you


Josh Hartnett Was A Massive Star In The Early 2000s, So Why Haven't We Seen Him Since?

It seemed like Josh Hartnett was in every movie in the early 2000s, but now it's hard remember the last movie you saw him in. Touchstone PicturesWhere did he go? You probably remember him from the movie Pearl Harbor, where he played Captain Danny Walker, or Black Hawk Down as the character Eversmann. He has been in a lot of very successful movies, and was one of the biggest heartthrobs of the early 2000s. BravoSeriously, his IMDB page is just a big reminder of all the great things he's done. One of his first big movies was The Virgin SuicidesAmerican


13 Reality Shows We Used To Obsess Over

If you flip on your TV right now and change to a random channel, odds are you'll land on a reality show.From cooking competitions with sappy personal stories, to home reno shows featuring sassy married couples, reality TV totally dominates the airwaves. But back when reality TV was still a novelty, we couldn't stop watching these 13 shows.1. Blind DateNBCTwo people go on a blind date, while cameras record them. The premise of this show is so simple, it's hard to believe nobody thought of it earlier. Okay, so there was a UK version, an Australian version, and


15 Actors We Thought Were Destined For Fame, But We Literally Haven't Thought About Them Since

Just like music has "one-hit wonders", Hollywood has their own version when it comes to actors who make a huge splash on the big screen before disappearing into obscurity. You will likely recognize most of these artists for their iconic (or borderline iconic) roles, but find yourself wondering what ever happened to them.1. Dakota Fanning Indie WireDakota Fanning was a huge success as a child actor with staring roles in I Am Sam, War of the Worlds, Man on Fire, and Charlotte's Web. She hasn't been nearly as successful as an adult. After her appearances in the Twilight saga