
Meet The Family Who Spent A Year Living Like It Was 1986

Maybe we all wish we could relive our childhoods and escape our hectic, modern lives. But only Blair McMillan was brave enough to actually do it. The father-of-two transported his family back in time for a year-long experiment that saw them living like it was 1986 again. Why 1986? That's the year Blair was born, but that's only part of the reason why.Deborah Balc - The Globe and MailThe concerned dad says he was inspired to turn back his family's clock when he noticed his sons Trey and Denton, aged five and two when the experiment started, were already


These 6 Totally Bitchin' Facts About "Valley Girl" Are So Whatever

Like, remember when everyone in the 90s totally spoke as if they just like, stepped out of Cali? It was seriously grody, right?Well thankfully we have moved on from this time in our lives, but if you ever wanted to take a spin down memory lane, there is no better time capsule of eye-rolling goodness than 90s low-budget flick Valley Girl. Check out these facts that are like, zlint to the max!A Rose By Any Other NameFilm School RejectsThe cult classic was a definite remake of the famous play Romeo and Juliet. Makes you wonder about the ending


13 Board Games From Our Past That No One Remembers (For Good Reason)

Monopoly, Trouble, The Game Of Life. What do these have in common? They're all classic board games that will never get old. They're the source of family fun (and drama depending on who's the thimble.) But what about the less remembered games? The ones that gave a valiant effort but ultimately fell to the wayside? Well here they are. 1. Town Dump (1977)What better way to teach your children about throwing trash on a neighbor's lawn than making it a fun board game?! You had a wind-up bulldozer that propels itself across the board, and the objective was to


80s Style Icons: Then and Now

We looked up to them as fashion goddesses. What they wore, we wore. How they wore their hair, we wore ours too. These style icons of the 1980s shaped the way we all dressed and looked while making it look effortless. But where are they now? The likes of Michelle Pfeiffer, Joan Collins, and Goldie Hawn are still going strong in 2016! Check out some of our favorite style icons of the 1980s and what they look like now.Olivia Newton-JohnShe's still looking amazing since her Grease days!Brooke ShieldsHas she even aged? Brooke still looks stunning!MadonnaShe Queen of