
Revisit Mr. Bean With These 25 Hilarious Moments

Rowan Atkinson is turning 62 years old on January 6th and he deserves the biggest of celebrations. He is obviously best known for his hilarious Mr. Bean character that first started back in 1990. While he doesn't really do the whole "Mr. Bean" skit as much anymore, the clips that are out there are still hilarious.

Mr. Bean has had quite the life. He has done so many different things, all in his own special little way. Here are 25 of the best Mr. Bean moments to celebrate Rowan Atkinson's birthday.


1. When Mr. Bean was ready for his test

It's very important to always be prepared!

2. When Mr. Bean realized that parking garages were way too expensive

Parking is way too expensive, I agree.

3. When Mr. Bean went to the movies and it did not go well

Some people just can't handle their horror movies.

4. When Mr. Bean went to a hotel and it was a process

Thank you for the pen!

5. When Mr. Bean proved not everyone should be trusted with children

You were just trying your best, I don't think anyone can blame you.

6. When Mr. Bean loved Christmas more than anyone

It's hard not to be excited!

7. When Mr. Bean was bad at meeting important people

We all make bad impressions sometimes.

8. When Mr. Bean tried to keep quiet but it didn't work out super great for him

Have you ever had to sneeze in a really quiet place? Because it can get real awkward!

9. When Mr. Bean didn't realize getting a rock out of his shoe would be such an issue

Honestly that driver is just plain rude!

10. When Mr. Bean engages in some hilarious sabotage

Always important to get in that cardio whenever you can!

11. When Mr. Bean does a little bit of shopping

I feel like we have all had some these issues while shopping, the perfume department can be a dangerous place!

12. When Mr. Bean develops a genius way to paint a room

You know, not the worst idea...

13. When Mr. Bean does his own dental work to save time

Who has time to waste at the dentist anyways!

14. When Mr. Bean celebrates the New Year exactly how we would all prefer

Seriously, admit it.

15. When Mr. Bean has a little bit of insomnia

If only it was this easy to fall asleep.

16. When Mr. Bean wishes he studied a bit more

Sometimes you can have all the pens you could ever need but you still don't know any of the answers.

17. When Mr. Bean took his golf game very seriously

Every hit counts!

18. When Mr. Bean was an expert at parking

I mean, technically it was a spot right.

19. When Mr. Bean is not enjoying his fine dining experience

I wouldn't want to eat that either buddy!

20. When Mr. Bean mastered time management on the go

Who hasn't had to get ready on the way to work or an appointment in one way or another?

21. When Mr. Bean became a sandwich artist in the park

Sometimes DIY doesn't really work out...

22. When Mr. Bean taught you how important it was to try before you buy

You wouldn't want to have to make returns, so he is being highly efficient!

23. When Mr. Bean finds the best way to tip the performers

You have to earn it!

24. When Mr. Bean tried to take up a new sport

A fear of heights isn't all that unusual!

25. When Mr. Bean celebrated his anniversary in style!

What a way to get around!

Happy Birthday to Rowan Atkinson! Thank you for always being hilarious!