
25 Embarassing Prom Photos Celebrities Don't Want You To See

Do you remember your prom? It comes at a time in your life where all your hormones are going crazy and big changes are happening in your life. You're about to graduate from high school and move on to the next phase of your life! What better way to prepare for that then to buy an expensive dress or wear a fancy suit and dance the night away? Sometimes it's easy to see glamorous celebrities as the perfect creatures who look amazing all the time and are somehow ageless. Well, that's because you haven't seen these pictures yet. Prom photos


25 School Pictures That Will Make You Feel A Lot Better About Your Own

School photos are a traumatic experience that everyone must endure. They are a right of passage that you have to survive if you want to one day live you life. They are pretty much unavoidable between the age of four through seventeen and it never seems to get any easier. It seems like no matter how carefully your parents prepare or how much you think about your perfect outfit it just never turns out as you expected. Everyone has a bad school picture. I know I do! The only way to get over the bad pictures is to laugh at


12 Normal Things 80's Kids Did At School That Wouldn't Happen Today

Times sure have changed from the 80's. It seems as though everything has become dependent on technology and there's been a crazy increase in helicopter parenting. So what's changed in the school world? Can it really be that different? The answer is yes. Things have definitely gotten a little more strict and little less fun-loving since we were in grade school. And who knows? Maybe it's justified. But honestly it just seems like today's kids are missing out!Here are some totally normal things we'd do at school in the 80's but would not fly today. 1. Actually Choosing a


The Back-to-School Essentials for Every 90's Girl

It feels like it was just yesterday that we all packed up our backpacks with our gel pens and lip smackers, hoped onto our bikes and headed to school. While all the kids go back to school, we reflect on what we used to bring to school with us back in the 90's. How many of these did you have? And more importantly, how shocking do you find it that they are starting to come back into style? Gel Pens Teachers had to start a "no gel pens" policy in schools because everyone was writing their assignments with the glitter


10 Games We Played As Kids That Probably Meant Our Teacher Was Hung Over

Before classrooms were littered with iPads and other fancy electronics, teachers resorted to old-fashioned indoor classroom games that wasted a lot of time.Anything was better than studying or completing worksheets, so we went along with it, but not all these games were as hype as teachers tried to make them. That being said, not all were that bad either. University HospitalsLet's be real though, the ones that were more competitive were the most fun. Here are 10 indoor games that will open the floodgates to some of your favorite, and maybe most-hated, childhood memories. Seven Up (Heads down, thumbs


8 Lies Our Parents Told Us That We Believed For An Embarrassingly Long Time

Our parents, our grandparents, and sometimes even our teachers would have to tell us things to make us do what was best for us. But sometimes, they seemed to have told us a bunch of lies that were just nothing more than downright false. Sure, it's understandable when they need to make sure we eat our veggies or go to bed early enough so we aren't cranky the next day, but honestly, some of the things our parents said were just completely false for no reason. I don't know why they have to lie to us. I mean, I guess


10 Back-To-School Essentials We All Begged Our Parents To Buy

So, here's a little secret about me: I used to love back-to-school season. No, I didn't love actually going to school, but the process of buying a bunch of new outfits or school supplies was my favorite time of the year. Maybe it's because we didn't really buy a lot of clothes any other time of the year, so it always felt like my one big chance to try out those cool new styles, but it was always the best time. I think I had more fun picking out my binders and pens than anything though, which always made me