
Now You Can Live In Super Mario World, Thanks To Virtual Reality

There are a few worlds that we wish we could enter. Obviously there a million movies that we would love to insert ourselves into, but one that has been a staple in our own world for decades is the Mario world. The video games have been around since the original Nintendo system but it has constantly been evolving into bigger and better things, most recently turning it into an enormous game that is going to be released soon. But that game is still being done the same way they all have: on screens. NintendoWhether it's an NES, an N64, or


10 Times N64 Games Nearly Ruined All Your Childhood Friendships

Growing up, Nintendo was always a very important part of your day. Even if you didn't have one, chances are you had a friend who did. Sleepovers and birthday parties would be centered around the Nintendo, because obviously what else would you do? RacketBoyWhen the N64 came out everything became so much more intense than it had ever been. Sure, there were multiplayer games with the NES or the SNES, but nothing quite as rage-fueled as the games that you could get on N64. The competitive nature of all of our friends would bubble to the surface and honestly, it's


Nintendo Announced Their New Games And They All Feel Amazingly Retro

Every year there is a huge video game conference called E3 where all the big gaming companies make all of their exciting announcements. From Dragon Ball Z games, to new adorable franchises, new systems or the return of classic characters you are very familiar with, E3 is a very exciting time for gamers.Daily ExpressWe have shared a few of the announcements already, but the ones that might be the most thrilling is all the new Nintendo games that are bringing back all your favorite characters in a big way. So far, Nintendo has made some pretty huge announcements for