
Mike Meyers Shared An Update About 'Austin Powers 4' And It's Totally "Groovy, Baby"

When you think of the ultimate man of mystery, who do you think of? James Bond? No of course not. Ethan Hunt? Nope, not even close. The obvious answer is Austin Powers. When Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery came out back in 1997, it felt almost like there was a shift in the world. Suddenly, this ridiculous comedy became all anyone could talk about. It was unexpected, but you know what, it was worth it because the movie was awesome. Making references and jokes to the movie became common place, and you couldn't really ever say the words "one


Another 'Bad Boys' Sequel Is Officially Coming For You According To The Star Of The Movie

Rumors of yet another Bad Boys sequel have been floating around for a long time, but there have been a lot of false starts and canceled plans. However, in October, it was reported that producers had received a new draft of the script, and they were going to start working on the sequel in the new year. Still, there was no network confirmation so we couldn't know for sure if this was just another long-shot hope or a legitimate plan. Turns out it's the real deal! One of the Bad Boys stars has actually confirmed the third installment of the


10 Movies That Completely Terrified You As A Kid, And Probably Still Do

I know there were a lot of classic horror movies that came out when we were young, but you know what else there were? A whole bunch of movies disguised as these feel-good children's movies or cartoons that were safe for kids that ended up scarring us for life. A lot of movies out there that had these sequences in them that haunted our nightmares, crossing our minds when we were trying to go to bed. Then there were others that gave us a grim realistic view of the mortality of us all, and let me tell you, we weren't


An App Has Discovered How To Help Us Sleep Better, And The Answer Is 90s Movies

These days it feels as though we are all in a constant state of exhaustion. No matter what, we all seem to be more tired than we'd like to be. Whether it's bad sleeping habits, interrupted sleep, or just simply being too busy, the fact of the matter is a lot of us who are in our late 20s and early 30s are just tired. Why are we so tired though? Well, scientists claim that it's because we aren't sleeping well enough, but one company has found a way to combat that and it's kind of wild. The self-care app


'Overboard' May Be The Best Rom-Com Of All Time, But We've Still Got Questions

If you had to pick one Hollywood couple whose love you believed in stronger than any others, chances are you're going to say Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. The two first met on the set of The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band in 1968, but Russell was too young for Hawn to be interested in him (he was only 16 at the time, she was 21). They met again in 1984 on the set of Swing Shift, and this time they hit it off. Both were divorced, both had children, and shortly after they reunited they fell in


Clueless Is Getting A Remake And All We Can Say Is "As If"

So, remakes are everywhere, they are inescapable. Every time you turn around there's another one in the works, and while it's exhausting, there's not a whole lot we can do to stop it. But sometimes they go too far.The newest remake to get the green light is one that we never expected. One that could not possibly be improved. One that is too glorious to even pretend like there is any room for improvement. This time, the newest classic that Hollywood has decided to remake is none other than the iconic teen comedy Clueless. AS IF. Paramount PicturesI know


James Karen, Legendary Actor Known For 'Poltergeist' And So Much More, Dead At 94

You probably don't know his name, but you definitely know James Karen's face. The prolific character actor, best known for his role as the unscrupulous developer Mr. Teague in 1982's Poltergeist, passed away in his Los Angeles home on Tuesday at the age of 94.MGM/UA Entertainment Co.Over the course of his seven-decade career, Karen racked up over 200 acting credits across movies, television, and even video games. If you watch just about any of the most popular television shows from the 1970s, 80s, or 90s, you're guaranteed to see him pop up sooner or later. Born Jacob


5 Secrets Of 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' To Get You Ready For The Midnight Jamboree

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is one of those classics that we all remember watching as young children. It was about as spooky as we could all handle at the time, and as a requirement every Halloween season. There weren't as many Halloween movies as there were Christmas movies, so it was nice to have something to watch. The movie is an oldie but a goody, dating back to 1949. The animated movie was shorter than other Disney movies you remember, but there was a reason for that that we'll get to later. They managed to make this movie something


'Mannequin' Was One Of The Weirdest Movies Of The 80s, And We've Still Got Some Questions

I know that 80s movies are a category of their own. Sure, there are rom-coms and action movies, but then there are also 80s rom-coms and 80s action movies. They are different, they are unparalleled, and they are just better than other movies. Case in point: Mannequin. The outrageously bizarre 80s rom-com brings joy to all of our hearts (or at least those lucky enough to remember it) even though the premise is absolute bonkers. Here's the thing, I love this movie with my whole heart. I can probably quote the entire thing to you right now (I won't) but


In Defense Of The Disney Princesses That People Just Can't Stop Criticizing

Alright, I know that people tend to have varying opinions about the Disney princesses, and believe me, I get it. My opinions change on them every time I watch the movies again, or when I hear another well made argument.People have said that the older Disney princesses aren't always the best role models. Whether it's because they give up something, fail to save themselves, or something else, they are critiqued as being a bad influence for young girls. But I am here today to provide some over-analytical reasons why they aren't as bad as you may think. Are they