
He's One Of Those Actors You Recognize But Can't Name, But Where Is Jonathan Hyde Now

There are a lot of actors whose faces you recognize, but their names just won't stick in your head. They show up in all your favorite movies but still you just can never place them. You may not immediately recognize the name Jonathan Hyde, but his face is one you couldn't possibly forget. Seriously, remember him? Paramount PicturesHe's been in a bunch of your favorite movies including Jumanji, Titanic, and The Mummy, but it feels like it's been so long since he's been front and center. But seriously, he's had a lot of huge roles that you may have forgotten.


Rumors Said She Became A Real Witch, But Where Is Fairuza Balk Now?

We all remember the first time we watched The Craft. It made us all want to become witches, even though I think that probably wasn't the intention. We all watched Sarah prevent her former friend Nancy from hurting her friends, and saw the effects that all this dark magic seemed to have on them all. It wasn't great, but you know what, we all secretly wished we could have powers too. Columbia PicturesFairuza Balk starred as Nancy, and while the powers seemed to take hold of her and make her lose all control her abilities were impressive. Just... you know.


12 Celebridades Cuyos Hábitos de Higiene Son Honestamente Repugnantes

Cuando pensamos en las celebridades, pensamos en personas que viven estilos de vida lujosas. Rara vez pensamos en ellos como personas que no se bañan, no se cepillan los dientes y no descargan el inodoro.Y, sin embargo, aquí estamos, listos para hacer una profunda inmersión en los hábitos repugnantes de celebridades que existen, pero que realmente no deberían.1. Brad Pitt se Baña Con Toallitas Para BebésNils Sautter - FlickrPitt puede parecer que huele bien, pero eso es poco cierto. Según el padre de seis hijos, sólo usa toallitas húmedas para bebés cuando no tiene tiempo para bañarse. "Tengo


11 Photos Of Your Teen Crushes That Will Make You Question Your Choices

I know, I know, times have changed. Fashion is different, hairstyles are different, and what counts as "dreamy" is obviously very, very different. But here's the thing, when you look back and remember all the things you used to be obsessed with, the posters that you used to have on your wall, and boys you used to think were your true loves you might find yourself cringing a little bit. Sure, those frosted tips may have been appealing at the time, and all of those mesh shirts may have been the ideal, but when you see it now... oh boy.


The Original Aunt Viv Opens Up About Filming The Iconic Dance Scene That Still Takes Our Breath Away

The show Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is definitely one of the most iconic 90s shows. Whether you were a fan of Carlton, Uncle Phil, or Will Smith himself, there were so many great characters. Probably one of the most under appreciated characters is Aunt Vivian. She's tough, shes confident, and she will not take your nonsense. The original Aunt Viv was played by Janet Hubert. The actress starred in the show for the first three seasons, but after some issues working with Smith, she was replaced. However, for a lot of us, Hubert remains the most memorable Aunt Viv, simply


The Tragic Struggles That Gary Coleman Faced Throughout His Life

Gary Coleman was one of the most iconic stars of the 80s, but his life post-sitcom life took a turn. While everyone still said his catchphrase all the time, they didn't really know what happened to him. The star's life has been full of struggles. Right from the start of his life he was dealing with severe health complications that almost killed him, and as he aged his life didn't really ever get easier. Chris Pizzello / ReutersThe actor passed away in 2010, but his life story is one that people need to know. Childhood IllnessNBCColeman was adopted when he was


Macaulay Culkin Opens Up About 'Home Alone' And 'My Girl' In New Interview With Ellen

Macaulay Culkin was one of the biggest stars of the 90s. He was in so many of our childhood favorites including both of the Home Alone movies, My Girl, and Richie Rich. His ability to act so well at such a young age gave him an advantage over a lot of the other child stars at the time, and by the time he was a teenager he had been in over a dozen movies. It wasn't easy being a child star, and when he was 14 he decided to take time off to go to high school and live a


8 Young Celebrities We Grew Up Watching Who Ended Up Behind Bars

You might think that growing up in the spotlight would be difficult, but you would hope that having money at a young age would help set you up for a successful future. As we've learned over the years, that is not always the case. As it turns out, being pushed into the spotlight and having people judge you while you go through puberty is apparently not all that good for you. Who would have guessed? Can you sense the sarcasm? Going through this intense scrutiny at such a young age isn't really that great, and not everyone handles it as


'Free Willy' Came Out 25 Years Ago, But Where Is The Star Of The Movie Now?

Watching Free Willy as a kid made us all appreciate whales a little bit more than we did. We didn't realize what it was really like for the animals in those amusement parks, and while it was a fictional story, it was sad to see. But luckily, Jesse was there to stop the evil plan that was put in place to drain Willy's tank so the amusement park owners could claim the $1 million insurance money. Jesse helps Willy escape, of course by using a super high jump that of course we all remember as the most iconic scene of


'Happy Days' Star Reveals Which Cast Member They Didn't Get Along With And It's Absolutely Heartbreaking

Happy Days was one of the most beloved shows on TV. It had 11 seasons, and each of them managed to relate to families all over the country. It was one of those shows that you could watch with your family, but was entertaining enough that you actually enjoyed it. It was set back in the 50s and 60s, even though the show was running in the 70s and 80s, but it gave it that nostalgic feeling we all loved. The show followed Richie Cunningham, his dad, Howard, his mom, Marion, and his sister, Joanie, as they navigated through the