
How Much Are The Original American Girl Dolls Actually Worth?

Chances are that when you were growing up there were a few dolls that you always wanted. There were some Barbie dolls that were absolutely coveted, there were of course the iconic Cabbage Patch Dolls that everyone needed, but there was one brand that seemed to take the cake when it came to the most desirable doll on the market. American Girl dolls were probably the fanciest things our tiny brains could dream of owning. Sure, they cost a pretty penny when they first came out, but if you could convince your parents that they were worth it, you were


What Growing Up In The 90s Actually Looked Like

I was born in 1988, so I spent most of my prime childhood years in the 90s. That meant that I was at the perfect age for the big Disney renaissance, a large percentage of the clothing I owned was either floral or neon, and of course, scrunchies were my go-to. Here's the extra fun part about my childhood: my mother was an avid photographer, so most of it is caught on film - yes, film - and now I have these old film photos digitized so I can help you remember what it was like to be young and


According To A Study, These Are The Most Popular 90s Toys In Each State

When you think back to your childhood, what toy do you remember spending most of your time with? There's probably one that stands out, whether it was a particular stuffed animal, a special Barbie, or even a video game, that you remember going absolutely bananas over. Have you ever wondered if you were the only one to be completely obsessed with it, or if kids from other states also loved the same thing? Well, AT&T has decided to dig into the world of 90s nostalgia, and they hope to answer the question we've all had, "What is the most


20 Retro Products Every Nostalgia Addict Needs To Make Their Home Complete

I think we can all agree that we all have a bit of an obsession with our past. There's something special about the time that we grew up that makes us want to hold onto it harder and harder as we get older. Sure, maybe we are just trying to put off the inevitable, or maybe we are just finally capable of getting all the stuff we wish we could have gotten as kids. There's also the fact that now that we are now living on our own, we get to pick the decor and if we want it all


Seeing These Photos Of '90s Fast Food Restaurants Will Make You Nostalgic, Then Hungry

Growing up, there were very few things that got us as excited as when our parents told us that they were taking us out to our favorite fast food joint. While the food and the affordable prices played a huge role, there were many other things that these eateries offered that made us obsessed with them. McDonald's Play Places, anyone? Many fast food restaurants in the 90s had cool and vibrant interiors that made them even more inviting. However, as the world changed, so did most of these restaurants' brands, appearances, and menus. We don't truly realize just how much


Delia's Is Back With A Brand New Collection And It'll Take You Right Back To The 90s

If you had to pick one clothing company that could accurately describe the ideal 90s style, chances are you'd pick dELiA*s. Sure, the name is a pain to type, but it's the one brand of clothing that every cool girl wanted to own. The catalogs would arrive in the mail, and we'd spend days curating our ideal orders, while our moms would look over our shoulder and say "No, no, not that, you can only pick one" and so on and so forth until we finally narrowed down our choices to one simple sweater. Even if we never purchased


22 Things We Grew Up With In The '80s That Would Probably Get You Arrested Today

The world has changed drastically since we were kids. While technology and the Internet has definitely been a big part of why growing up today is so different, that's not the only change that's happened. In a lot of ways, the '80s were just a simpler time, and some things that we were totally cool with, or at least willing to overlook, would probably get us arrested today. Here are the things we grew up with that would never fly today.Totally non-existent car safetyHow else were you going to learn how to drive?izismile.comSafety standards are a lot


McDonald's Was Better When We Were Kids, And Here's Why

Going to McDonald's was one of the main highlights of our childhoods. It was a rare event, but when it happened, it was basically like going into an amusement park with chicken nuggets. Not only did you get a great meal that in your opinion was full of nutritional value, but you got a kickass toy and a fun time in an awesome play place. Let's revisit all the best parts about your childhood trips to McDonald's:Obviously you have to start with the Happy MealOur mom had a rule where we couldn't open our toys until we ate our