
10 Completely 'Essential' Things You Absolutely Needed For School

As an adult "summer vacation" doesn't mean the same thing that it used to when we were kids. Before, we would get two months off to play outside, watch cartoons and bike around the block before thinking about getting school supplies. Now, we are honestly just feeling nostalgic for those amazing 90s schools supplies we all wanted. Back-to-school season seems to start earlier every year, but kids today have no idea what they are missing. Our school supplies were just so much better. Well, maybe not better, but definitely a lot more bizarre. We honestly spent so much money on


20 Playgrounds That Absolutely Should Not Exist

You would think designing a playground would be a fun task. Trying to figure out what makes kids happy while keeping them safe is a tough balance but it seems like something that would be an alright job. As it turns out, it's a lot harder than you might think. There's a lot of things that can go VERY wrong. Sometimes the theory of a play structure sounds great, but when you actually build it the result is something less than stellar. These playgrounds are reminiscent of those horrifying abandoned theme parks we looked at before, except they don't have


10 Things We Did As Kids That Are Way Harder To Do Now

Everything seems to just be easier when you are a kid. Whether it's because you aren't in shape any more, are too tired all the time, or simply just don't remember how to have fun, the hobbies you had as a kid are WAY harder to do now than they used to be. Obviously there are somethings that come with age that are great, like having control over your life and decisions, but some of the prizes of aging are a bit more troublesome. The older you get the more you are faced with your own mortality, stress, self esteem,


13 Of The Worst Things That Could Possibly Happen To You In The 90s

Growing up we had a lot of stuff going on. There were new technologies being thrown at us every day, a crazy new fashion styles that seemed to change every year, and we were all going through puberty.That's a a lot for kids to handle! We were all being challenged mentally, emotionally and physically. The trials and tribulations we went through maybe weren't the most dramatic things ever compared to other generations, but they were ours and it's pretty hilarious to look back at what used to be our biggest problems. 1. Bottoms of your baggy pants getting soaked


Did You Know There Was Actually A Reason For That Awful Dial Up Sound?

It's a sound none of us can ever forget. One we haven't heard in over a decade but it still is in our minds as if it was just playing. It starts off slow with a few beeps and a couple boops, but then it really gets into it with a loud: "Psssshhccchhhhhhh dingkinnnggchchch dingdong dingdong" and then it's over and you are connected to the internet. The ChiveDial-up modems were the best we had for a while, and while you may not remember the frustration that came along with them, there were a lot of problems.Now, anytime you


6 Of The Best Ways Our Parents Got Us To Play Outside In The 90s

Growing up in a time where video games were just starting to become more mainstream, parents had to try to find ways to make playing outside more fun. They had a whole summer vacation to keep you busy for and couldn't have you wasting away in front of the Nintendo! So what did they do? They got us the coolest and most awesome toys that you could only use outside! They would fill us up with Koolaid then send us on our way with one of these amazing things. How many of these do you remember? 1. Super SoakersSBSSuper Soakers


13 Overused 90s Phrases We All Thought Were So Cool

We all had those memorable phases and quotes that we used SO much in the 90s, all of which got really old, really fast. That didn't seem to deter us at all. We used these sayings as though they were the most clever and original thing on the planet, laughing hysterically as we delivered our best zingers. @WeAre90sKidsHow many of these do you remember throwing around, or are you one of the people still using them? Talk to the hand! WiffleGifAll that and a bag of chipsTumblrAs if!GiphyBiotch / Beeotch TumblrThe BombGiphyBuggin'GiphyDon't go there girlfriend! Gurl.comGettin' JiggyGiphyThere are so


Summer In The 90s Was Better And There's No Debate

Now that we are getting closer to the real summer months, you know kids are just itching to get into that summer vacation time. But really, ours was just infinitely better than theirs could possibly be! OMGStoryThe things we did, the shows we watched, the games we played, everything we had has got to be better than what kids have now right? The day in the life of a kid on summer vacation in the 90s had a few things that had to happen. You would wake up, eat some kind of amazing cereal that was essentially chocolate, cookies or


14 Posts About Being A Millennial That Are Way Too Real

Oh, millennials. We are the generation of student loans, avocado toast which prevents us from buying homes, and crippling self-doubt. And for all you old people who say we can't take a joke...we literally laugh at internet memes all day. We just don't like your racist and sexist jokes. Here are some of the best posts about being a millennial in this age where baby boomers still, for some reason, think everything is our fault. 1. 2.Comediva Tumblr3. Who else is in the student loan boat?