
20 Mascots Responsible For Almost All Of Your Food Choices As A Kid

Pretty much the best part about being a kid is the snacks right? You get to eat a bunch of sugary treats with bright and fun colors, all complete with their own awesome mascot. Some companies even managed to use a fun mascot to trick us into eating healthier foods!How many of these classic mascots for you remember from your childhood? A lot of them are still around, which one is your favorite? Tony the TigerGiphySugar BearYouTubeTrix RabbitYouTubeSnap, Crackle and PopYouTubeHamburger Helper GloveYouTubeKoolaid ManGiphyCap'n CrunchYouTubeSonny the Cuckoo BirdGamespotSlush PuppieOnce Upon A ProductNesquik BunnyYouTubeThere are more mascots to remember! Click


15 Things You Haven't Thought About Since You Were A Kid

There's a lot to think about these days. Now that we are all "grown up" we have to act like adults and spend most of our time thinking about all of the things we are responsible for. It's not the same as it used to be, when we could just waste our days away doing whatever kids do best. GiphyBecause our brains are so busy with work and family life, we often forget about all the stuff from our childhood. But that's where the internet comes in! It's always there to show us little artifacts that bring back all the

Pop Culture

13 Ads That Will Make You Appreciate How Much Technology Has Changed Since the '80s

Technology has come a long way in the last few decades. When you look back even ten years ago everything seems so outdated. Oyster MagNow, basically everyone has a little smart phone that they can do pretty much everything they need to do, but back in "the good ol' days" everything was a bit more complicated. These advertisements really give you a little peak into how it used to be, and remind you how much everything has changed.Imagine paying $99 for a brand new gaming system?Huffington PostHey kids, you'll probably do a lot better if you look at


They Couldn't Afford Real Pokemon Cards, So They Made Their Own Hilarious Versions

Pokemon cards were one of the hottest commodities when we were kids. Everyone just had to have that Charizard. The thing was, they were hard to come by and collecting them could get expensive. Of course a lot of kids managed to get a whole bunch of cards together over the years. The problem is that it's been quite some time since the Pokemon hey-day and we don't all have those old collections handy anymore. GiphyWhat happens when you get that sudden rush of nostalgia that can only be soothed by playing one of your favorite childhood games? You improvise.

Pop Culture

20 Years Worth Of Happy Meal Toys That Will Bring You Right Back To Your Childhood

Everyone remembers the excitement of opening up their Happy Meal to see what toy they got. We all had these enormous collections that took up all kinds of space for no reason, but we treasured these toys as if they were precious antiques. Viral SpellThere were a lot of different toys each year, but there was always one or two that stood out and made kids go absolutely nuts trying to track down the entire collection. These were the most popular toys each year, how many did you collect? 1977-79 - "McWrist" WalletEbay1979-81 - Star TrekEbay1982 - PlaymobilEbay1983-84 - Hot


11 Things You'll Only Remember If You Lived Through The 90s

The 90s were a pretty epic decade. We had a whole lot of pop music, a lot of awesome cartoons, and totally radical fashions. GiphyThe thing is, a lot of the stuff that we experienced in the 90s is pretty much forgotten now. How many of these things do you remember? Evaluating our Beanie Baby collection to see which one was going to make us our fortuneRedditSetting up our Lite Brites with the coolest patternsRedditWearing rollerblades everywhere we wentImgurUsing Netscape Navigator for all our browsing needsSabahThe joy getting one of those orange VHS tapesRedditOwning one of these: Ghost of the


10 Fast Food Mascots From Your Childhood You Completely Forgot About

Nothing was better then going to get some delicious french fries at McDonald's or the most awesome pizza at Pizza Hut when we were kids, but what made them extra special? The mascots! GiphyEvery commercial and piece of marketing for fast food places or kids restaurants seemed to be targeted at kids. They use flashy commercials and kids meals with toys to make us all super excited to go eat those tiny cheeseburgers. How many of those mascots do you remember from your childhood? The Burger King- Kids ClubFanpopPizza Hut - Pizza HeadAdWeekDominos -The NoidFast CoDesignA&W - Great Root


10 Awful Things About Watching Television That We Actually Kinda Miss

Watching TV was the best escape for most kids. You got to forget about homework and those grueling daily chores and chill out with some cartoons. GiphyThe way people watch TV now has changed a lot even in the short time since we were kids. These 10 things will remind you how we used to do it! Adjusting the antennae or "bunny ears" to get better receptionjoechin92Having to actually watch commercials and knowing all the jinglesYouTubeHonestly, sometimes you would look forward to the commercials because that's where you found out about the new toys! GiphyYou would have a physical copy