
Kids Today Have No Idea How Much Work Taking Pictures Used To Be

Having your picture taken when you were a kid was a lot different than it is today. We didn't get to take simple selfies while looking at our expressions in a screen. We didn't get to take 100 pictures until it turned out right. We didn't even get to see what the pictures looked like FOR DAYS! Times have changed. Every kid has their own cellphone now, all of which are equipped with very fancy cameras. They can immediately see their pictures and delete, retake or post them where ever they want. It's a lot different from how we used

Video Games

10 Things We All Did On MSN Messenger That Now Fill Us With Shame

The early 2000s were a tumultuous time with weird beauty trends and angsty music; we really had to find a few things to help us survive. The best and most popular way to thrive socially in the early 00s was to spend every possible moment on whichever instant messenger you were a fan of. MSN was by far the most popular, but there were also others like AOL and Yahoo. There were certain things we all did while using these services to make ourselves stand out, how many are you guilty of? 1. Typing your name out with aLtErNaTiNg CaPiTaLiZaTiOn


15 Beauty Trends From The Early 2000s That You Wish You Could Forget

We have all made some regrettable decisions in our lives, that is just a fact. One thing that we have all been guilty of is following trends that really didn't deserve to be followed. We didn't have the Y2K problems we expected, but this new millennium did present a different issue. All the sudden we became these monsters who thought eyebrows were evil and bronzer was the most important part of your look. A lot of us fell victim to the 00s trends, and it's time to start the healing process and admit that we made some mistakes. The first


20 Pictures That Will Make You Say "Why Can't Adults Have Summers Off?"

There was nothing better than getting to that final day of elementary school and knowing you were going to have two solid months of fun and adventure. You knew that in September you'd have to head back to class, but July and August were free for whatever you could imagine. Everyone had a different idea of what made for the perfect summer. Some kids liked to play outside, others had a bunch of video games they wanted to beat, while others were excited just to relax. No matter what you liked to do, I think we can all agree that

Pop Culture

Some Of Your Old Looney Tunes Merchandise Might Actually Be Worth A Small Fortune

Looney Tunes have been around since long before a lot of us were born, but that didn't stop them from being one of the best and most popular shows in the 70s, 80s, and even the 90s. It was by far the best Sunday morning cartoon to watch with your family no matter when you grew up. Then the 90s delivered to us one of the greatest movies of all time: Space Jam. Between the weekend episodes of Merrie Melodies and rewatching the best sports movie of all time, we were all essentially obsessed with Bugs Bunny and friends. GiphyWarner


10 Completely 'Essential' Things You Absolutely Needed For School

As an adult "summer vacation" doesn't mean the same thing that it used to when we were kids. Before, we would get two months off to play outside, watch cartoons and bike around the block before thinking about getting school supplies. Now, we are honestly just feeling nostalgic for those amazing 90s schools supplies we all wanted. Back-to-school season seems to start earlier every year, but kids today have no idea what they are missing. Our school supplies were just so much better. Well, maybe not better, but definitely a lot more bizarre. We honestly spent so much money on


10 Things We Did As Kids That Are Way Harder To Do Now

Everything seems to just be easier when you are a kid. Whether it's because you aren't in shape any more, are too tired all the time, or simply just don't remember how to have fun, the hobbies you had as a kid are WAY harder to do now than they used to be. Obviously there are somethings that come with age that are great, like having control over your life and decisions, but some of the prizes of aging are a bit more troublesome. The older you get the more you are faced with your own mortality, stress, self esteem,


13 Of The Worst Things That Could Possibly Happen To You In The 90s

Growing up we had a lot of stuff going on. There were new technologies being thrown at us every day, a crazy new fashion styles that seemed to change every year, and we were all going through puberty.That's a a lot for kids to handle! We were all being challenged mentally, emotionally and physically. The trials and tribulations we went through maybe weren't the most dramatic things ever compared to other generations, but they were ours and it's pretty hilarious to look back at what used to be our biggest problems. 1. Bottoms of your baggy pants getting soaked


13 Overused 90s Phrases We All Thought Were So Cool

We all had those memorable phases and quotes that we used SO much in the 90s, all of which got really old, really fast. That didn't seem to deter us at all. We used these sayings as though they were the most clever and original thing on the planet, laughing hysterically as we delivered our best zingers. @WeAre90sKidsHow many of these do you remember throwing around, or are you one of the people still using them? Talk to the hand! WiffleGifAll that and a bag of chipsTumblrAs if!GiphyBiotch / Beeotch TumblrThe BombGiphyBuggin'GiphyDon't go there girlfriend! Gurl.comGettin' JiggyGiphyThere are so