
10 Magazine Covers From The 80s That Will Make You Feel Like You've Traveled Back In Time

The 80s will continue to be one of the best decades of all time. There has never (and will never) be a decade that is more colorful, more ridiculous, or more fun. Sure, some people may be saying that we are all stuck in the past and that we should move on, but honestly, there is no point. We are never going to achieve the same intense obsession with hairspray and blue eyeshadow again, so let's all remember it while we still can. Obviously, there was no internet in the 80s, so following the trends was all done through magazines.


Waterbed Inventor Thinks They're Due For A Comeback

If you're a child of the '70s or '80s - or your home is in serious need of some renovations - you know what it's like to sleep on a water bed.While we can't deny sinking into the water is comfy, most of us wouldn't trade our old-fashioned mattress for one of these kitschy models. But people did buy them in droves, with waterbeds accounting for 15% of the mattress market in 1986. Houston Librarian / YouTubeToday, waterbeds make up only a measly 5% of mattress sales, but the man behind the fad is looking to put them back in


6 Things From the 90s That You Will Never See Again In Your Lifetime

The 90s were honestly a pretty weird time for us all. There was a lot that happened that kind of hit us all of a sudden and we just had to deal with it. Sure, we got the internet (which is fun) and there was that whole Y2K panic (we probably won't freak out like that ever again), but what about the day-to-day things that were such a big part of our lives?Turns out, not everything is forever so we better enjoy them while they last!A TV Commercial...For A Magazine...For KidsYou know it's 2018 when the


Perms Are Back In Style, And No We're Not Kidding

We all remember the days of the perm. They were a crunchier time, a frizzier time, a time when your hair could fall out at any second. All it took was a slightly distracted hair stylist and then boom, bald spot. Perms get a bad rap, probably because they were a little bit of a nightmare about 99% of the time. In the 80s, everyone seemed to have one of these iconic hairstyles. They were big, they were frizzy, and they required a lot of maintenance, but for some reason we all wanted one. VH1A lot of us begged our


Mullets Are Trying To Come Back And It'll Make You Wonder Wtf Is Going On With The World

We all remember the years of the mullet right? It was a dark time. A scary time. A time when logic died. "Business in the front, party in the back!" Who really believed that? Sure, there are still some people out there, you know who you are, who have been rocking the mullet non-stop for decades now, but they know they are in the minority. The style fell out of popularity somewhere in the early 90s, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. The mullet was gone. No more tall mullets. Total BeautyNo more curly mullets.


Tinky Winky Actor From 'Teletubbies' Froze To Death Alone After His Birthday

More tragic news form the family of the actor of beloved children's show, The Teletubbies, as the circumstances of his death were revealed. Simon Shelton Barnes, who famously played one of the four colorful characters on the hit children's TV show, was recently found dead in suspicious circumstances early this week. Barnes was notable for playing Tinky Winky, the purple Teletubby that so many kids grew up watching. Daily MailHis family were devastated when they found out about his passing, especially since he had turned 52-years-old only 4 days earlier. The father of three received an outpouring of tributes, from


7 Good Ol' Reasons 'The Dukes of Hazzard' Might Be Crazy, But Sure Ain't Dumb

It may be one of the most iconic TV shows ever produced that focused on the lives of southern rednecks who loved to do nothing but get up to trouble and drive fast!The show is still incredible to watch today, and the more I found out about this free-flying, wheel-turning series, the more I wanted to slide over the hood of a souped-up car and give that sheriff a run for his money![Note: But I wouldn't because that is highly unsafe.]Instead, I just dug up these facts that are crazier than a possum on a gum bush,


Watch: TV Hosts Are Baffled By The Internet In This Throwback Clip

Way back in the olden days of 1994, if you were already surfing the web you were probably using Netscape Navigator on your family's AOL subscription. Which is a nice way of saying you were a big nerd.I don't know what the "internet" is, but it looks painful.TimeThe worldwide web was gaining popularity fast, but judging by these reactions from The Today Show, it wasn't exactly mainstream just yet. After the hosts try their best to work out how exactly you pronounce "@," Bryant Gumbel vents his frustration over the newfangled technology."What is the


Scrunchies Are Back In Style But They've Been Given A New Name And A Crazy New Price Tag

Who else still owns scrunchies? Everyone, right? They are perfect to hold up all that hair, especially if you want to leave it crease free, not to mention they look super cute and remind us all of the glorious 90s. Well, apparently they have been out of style for a while now (news to me) but they are starting to make their comeback. The only thing is, they have a brand new name. That's right, people are trying to 'rebrand' scrunchies to help make them cool again. Not only are they getting a new name, but they are getting a