
5 Forgotten Workout Videos We Were All Completely Obsessed With In The 90s

Growing up in the 90s wasn't all just scrunchies and platform shoes. You had to work out a lot because for some reason every 90s designer thought we all wanted to wear crop tops. Hey designers, guess what? We didn't. There was a lot of pressure on being thin, and honestly as a young girl at the time, hearing models like Kate Moss say, "nothing tasted as good as skinny felt" really confused me. I mean, had she never eaten ice cream? Ice cream tastes better than anything feels. Anyways, we're getting off track. The fact was, we all had


10 Accessories Every 80s Girl Wore That Have Thankfully Not Stood The Test Of Time

You know those times you're just sitting thinking about the good ol' days and you smile? Well, do you actually think of everything? I'm not saying today's fashion is amazing compared to eighties fashion. The 80s had style, don't get me wrong. I loved all the color, scrunchies, slogan t-shirts, Reebok shoes, and a bunch of other things. But there were some things I didn't love at all, like these 10 accessories that EVERY 80s girl owned. I'm sure you'll agree. There's a reason they haven't stood the test of time...1. Plastic Charms Google SitesI don't know what I


The Origin Of The Most Unusual Fad Of The 90s Proves It's Much More Than A Flash In The Pan

We all remember that one kid on the playground who was slapping around a stick as though it was the most impressive thing in the universe. Sure, it probably required a decent amount of skill, but the Devil Sticks fad died out fairly quickly and we all moved on to the next great craze. But the truth is, Devil Sticks aren't just a 90s thing. They actually started over a century before they became a craze on every playground in the country. The Origin Of Devil SticksIt's hard to know the exact origin of Devil Sticks, mostly because they go


The Y2K Bug Was Actually Much Worse Than We All Remember

History has a funny way of playing tricks on our memory, and the Y2K bug is a good example.The famous computer glitch was devilishly simple: experts worried that computers and programs using a two-digit date system would flip their lids in the year 2000 - when their systems read "00."You probably remember the almost-hysterical panic some people felt before New Year's Eve 1999. Grocery stores across the country noticed more people buying canned goods and bottled water.These days, if we remember Y2K at all, it's remembered as history's greatest anticlimax. The new year came, things were alright,


10 Trends From The 90s We Would All Really Like To Forget

Listen, we can all reminisce about the 90s until we are blue in the face, but there were some fads that just were a little bit... well, bizarre, is the best way to put it. No decade can claim that they were free from the crazy flash fads that seemed to come and go before anyone could really understand what was going on, but the 90s sure did have some weird ones. How many do you remember? 1. Chain WalletsYou couldn't trust anyone back in the 90s. You had to make sure those things were secured properly into your pocket,


20 Insane Pieces Of Dating Advice From 90s Magazines

If we were ever even close to cracking the mysteries of love, it was back in the '90s.Every teen magazine in the checkout aisle promised to spill the secrets of romance, and for the most part they gave us solid advice about love and life. But sometimes....well, you should see for yourself.1. Is that legal?CosmopolitanI'm guessing Here is "wherever he can smell it."2. Get your hair in shapeSeventeenIf your hair can't bench press 250 pounds, don't expect to get asked out to prom.3. This is a disaster waiting to happen'TeenIf you remember


20 Times Our Favorite Celebrities Were Guilty Of Fashion Crimes In The '90s

Styles come and go, but fashion sense is eternal. Actually, not really. These photos from the '90s prove that your personal style gets better with age, because these stars wouldn't be caught dead in these outfits today.1. Celine DionNews 18Dion is known as a fashion icon these days, but we still have a lot of questions about this "reverse suit." The singer walked the red carpet at the 1999 Oscars looking like Carmen Sandiego in arctic camouflage, and unsurprisingly she changed her outfit before performing in the ceremony.2. The Kardashian-JennersABC NewsDenim abuse will be a recurring theme on