The Mickey Mouse Club Is Coming Back And It's Definitely Not Like It Used To Be

Disney will stop at nothing to reboot each and every franchise and show they once had. Now they have decided to reboot The Mickey Mouse Club, but is it really worth it without Britney, Justin and the whole gang? Walt Disney Co./Courtesy Everett CollectionObviously the Mickey Mouse Club was around long before a young J.T. danced around on screen, but redoing it now is a little bit strange. We all remember the song, right? "M-I-C-K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E! Mickey Mouse!" Well, that's different now too. DisneyThe original Mickey Mouse Club starring Annette Funicello and Bobby Burgess was pretty great, but


Jim Carrey's Bizarre Interview Has People Wondering If Everything Is Okay

Jim Carrey is causing a bit of controversy thanks to his latest interview, and people are wondering if everything is okay with the famous actor. GiphyHe recently showed up at New York Fashion Week, which seems strange enough, but that's not what people are concerned about. He was interviewed by E! News' Catt Sadler on the red carpet but it did not go well. YouTubeNormally, meeting a celebrity is a very polished encounter. Everyone is always trying to come across as the best version of themselves so they don't harm their career, but Carrey kind of went off in a


13 Things You Didn't Know About 'Batman: The Animated Series'

We all remember our first Batman. For some, it was the campy, '60s Batman played by Adam West. For others, it was the darker Tim Burton version of the character played by Michael Keaton, and for some unfortunate souls it would have been the Joel Schumacher-era Batmans (Batmen?) played by Val Kilmer and George Clooney.Two words: Bat. Nipples.Warner Bros.But for a lot of us, our first Batman wasn't even live-action, but rather animated. 25 years ago, we were introduced to not only one of the most iconic takes on the Caped Crusader, but one of the best


13 Swatch Watches Everyone Was Tick-Tocking About In The 80s

If you grew up in the 80s, chances are you owned a swatch watch. It wasn't like we all had cell phones with built in clocks, we had to own a physical device whose only purpose was to let us know when it was time to go home for dinner. BloomingdalesEveryone knows that Swatch Watches were the coolest of them all. They were bright, funky, fun and obviously everyone just had to have one. Did you have one when you were a kid? Maybe you recognize some of these? Elegant and simpleEbayBright and funkyEbayHow about one with a nice cloth


We All Had Our Favorite Dream Phone Guy, But Which One Would You Pick Now?

If there was one game that helped highlight the fact that the 90s were completely insane, it would be Dream Phone. The game got you to use a phone to call a bunch of guys to try and the you would have to figure out which one had a crush on you. EbayThere were so many of these guys, each with their own style. Which one of them did you always hope would be your crush? Obviously it's been a while since we played this game so we can't remember their real personalities, but judging by their pictures we can


10 Movies We Probably Shouldn't Have Been Allowed To Watch When We Were Kids

Watching movies was one of the best ways to kill time as a kid. There were so many to choose from and now that we had extensive VHS collections we could rewatch them as much as we wanted! GiphyThe problem was that a lot of the movies we watched probably weren't the best thing for kids our age to watch. The ratings back when we were young were a little bit different than they are now. There was no PG-13 so everything was either PG or R. A lot of movies that didn't really need to be completely restricted still


10 Pepsi Commercials That Were So Good We Almost Gave Up Drinking Coke

If there is one company who used to do a good job of making iconic commercials, it's Pepsi. They have always put a lot of effort into making their commercials memorable and usually they succeed. They might not be as good as they used to, but throughout the 90s and early 2000s they were the best. The fact is, they used a lot of famous songs and famous faces to help attract their customers' attentions and over the years it has had varying success. Some of their commercials have been pretty memorable, and we are going to look back at