
10 Facts About 'Office Space' Including What "PC Load Letter" Really Means

When Office Space came out in 1999, it gave people everywhere an excuse to quit their crummy job. Seriously.Director Mike Judge says that to this day people tell him they stopped putting up with their bosses after seeing this movie. If you're still wondering what the heck a TPS report is after all these years, check out these 10 facts about the movie:1. It began as a Liquid Television shortWhen Mike Judge was an engineer, he had an actual coworker named Milton, who really threatened to quit because his desk kept being moved. Judge went on to create


10 Reasons Why Starship Troopers Is The Very Definition Of Guilty Pleasure

We all have that one movie that we love to watch even though we have no good explanation as to why we love it so much. For me, one of those movies is the 1997 science-fiction gong show Starship Troopers. Looking back on the movie now, I completely understand why some people found it to be outrageously stupid; the writing isn't great, the story line is lacking a few key elements, the acting is a little over the top, but overall it's great for mindless enjoyment. Plus, Neil Patrick Harris has a great role in it.20 years after it


Seeing These Photos Of '90s Fast Food Restaurants Will Make You Nostalgic, Then Hungry

Growing up, there were very few things that got us as excited as when our parents told us that they were taking us out to our favorite fast food joint. While the food and the affordable prices played a huge role, there were many other things that these eateries offered that made us obsessed with them. McDonald's Play Places, anyone? Many fast food restaurants in the 90s had cool and vibrant interiors that made them even more inviting. However, as the world changed, so did most of these restaurants' brands, appearances, and menus. We don't truly realize just how much


'Boy Meets World' Cast Celebrates 25th Anniversary With Behind-The-Scenes Secrets

Boy Meets World is one of those shows that manages to remain relevant even though it first started airing 25 years ago.Sure, the world is completely different now, but the fact of the matter is that the Matthews family is one of the best no matter what. Our childhoods wouldn't be the same without keeping up with Corey, who along with his best friend Shawn, his girlfriend Topanga, and his brother Eric, managed to become icons to all of us awkward kids in the 90s. The show is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, in honor of that, the


Delia's Is Back With A Brand New Collection And It'll Take You Right Back To The 90s

If you had to pick one clothing company that could accurately describe the ideal 90s style, chances are you'd pick dELiA*s. Sure, the name is a pain to type, but it's the one brand of clothing that every cool girl wanted to own. The catalogs would arrive in the mail, and we'd spend days curating our ideal orders, while our moms would look over our shoulder and say "No, no, not that, you can only pick one" and so on and so forth until we finally narrowed down our choices to one simple sweater. Even if we never purchased


McDonald's Was Better When We Were Kids, And Here's Why

Going to McDonald's was one of the main highlights of our childhoods. It was a rare event, but when it happened, it was basically like going into an amusement park with chicken nuggets. Not only did you get a great meal that in your opinion was full of nutritional value, but you got a kickass toy and a fun time in an awesome play place. Let's revisit all the best parts about your childhood trips to McDonald's:Obviously you have to start with the Happy MealOur mom had a rule where we couldn't open our toys until we ate our

Pop Culture

They Ran The Coolest Magazine On TV, But What Has The Cast Of 'Just Shoot Me' Been Up To Since?

There were a few shows that everyone watched growing up. Friends, Frasier, Seinfeld, and other popular sitcoms seemed to completely take over television screens. However, in my family, you could find us watching a less popular but equally funny show called Just Shoot Me. The show was a lighthearted look at the magazine industry, think Devil Wears Prada, only instead of a high pressure environment where your boss is the scariest person imaginable, you work for a lovable goofball. The show may have been flipped all over the schedule, but it was syndicated so it allowed us to watch it


10 Reasons Pajamas In The 90s Were The Best Thing In The Universe

I think we can all agree that the 90s were a pretty awesome time. Between the TV shows, the movies, and all the epic music, there was no shortage when it came to quality products. Even if we can't agree on the best of the media world, there is something that all of us can agree on: 90s pajamas are the best thing to have ever existed. There has never been a time in your life that you were more comfy or cozy, which was great because you probably spent a lot of time in those PJs, right? Whether you


Old Internet Slang We Will Never Admit To Using (But Totally Did)

The internet during the 90s and early 00s was a dark, scary place. Not just because creepy men tried to pick up underage girls in chat rooms, but also because we used the most obnoxious slang known to man. You can mock kids who say "bae" and "DKM" all you want, but we were the generation who said "ROFLcopter." So really, who are the ones that should be mocked?This was the most popular internet slang from back in the day and don't lie, you used it. 1. LAWLFlickrThis wasn't even short for anything. Lawl is just the phonetic way