
26 Pictures Everyone From The 90s Will Remember

A picture is worth 1000 words. A picture from the 90s is worth 1000 words and an onslaught of nostalgia. From school habits, to snack foods, to fashion sense, the 90s had some extremely unique aspects to it. Scroll through all these pictures and be ready for an immediate wave of 90s flashbacks. Some good, some bad, some really, REALLY ugly. 1. Writing down every single cheat code you could find on the same piece of paper. And then having a meltdown when you lost said piece of paper. 2. Pretended to use your skin off using white glue. 3.


18 Times ER Ripped Your Heart Out And Stomped On It

I don't think I've ever encountered a person who has never seen an episode of ER. Even if they've only seen one or two episodes, most people can give you a basic rundown of the characters. The show was on for 15 seasons and, in my extremely humble opinion, was the best thing to ever happen to TV, bar none. It had romance, comedy, drama, suspense, and straight up tragedy. I'm not ashamed to say I ugly cried at least once per season. It's like the writers specifically set out to hurt us. To this day, I don't understand how


18 Creepy Things From The 90s Responsible For Making You A Paranoid Mess

One noticeable thing about 90s kids is they're either extremely into scary stuff, or they would rather never leave the house than deal with it again. There is no in between. When you look back on the "entertainment" we had to keep ourselves busy, there's really no questioning where this came from. Is there a serial killer behind the shower curtain? What if I open this door and cockroaches come pouring out? What if my dog is actually an alien spying on me? All valid questions. All somehow influenced by the 90s. Scroll this list and be prepared for some


It's Been 25 Years Since "A League Of Their Own"! Where Is The Cast Now?

If you grew up in the 90s, A League of Their Own probably played on your TV constantly. It was one of those movies that seemed to be on every second weekend and because it was great, you obviously watched it!A movie based in the World War II era, Tom Hanks is tasked with training up a team of female baseball players to compete in the first ever female professional baseball league. The movie is still loved to this day, and a lot of the cast has continued on to some pretty awesome things! GiphyMegan Cavanagh - Marla HoochGiphyOh


18 Facts 90s Kids Will Be Shocked To Hear

Ah, the '90s. There's no shortage of trends that came from the best decade. Ask any '90s kids for three facts about that time and they'll give you five. I don't think there is a generation more proud to be born in a span of years than those born in the '90s. But we uncovered some facts from those years that will most likely startle all '90s kids. Take a look and see if you knew any of these odd facts!1. The guy who voiced the Taco Bell Chihuahua also voiced Rocko from Rocko's Modern Life: Carlos Alazraqui.2.


15 Things From Your Childhood Kids Today Won't Believe

The differences between our childhoods and those of kids today are mind-blowing. We grew up on the fence of both generations. A lot of us would prefer to use technology today, but we still understand the importance of playing outside or turning the phones off for a night. The generations after us have it pretty easy, to be honest. We paved the way for some truly useful inventions. Scroll through this list of things from your childhood and try to imagine kids today doing them! Odds are they would need a hand. 1. Going to Blockbuster and picking out ONE

Video Games

Get Ready 80s And 90s Kids! The Sega Genesis Is Back In Production!

The Sega Genesis is back in production! It's been about 20 years since the console was discontinued. But, after all the hype over the release of the "mini" versions, another company has decided to bring back the real deal. TecToy has started preorders for the "all-new Sage Mega Drive Stock" - a total replica of the original console. The best part: Sega is on board with these consoles. The Brazillain company TecToy is a licensed manufacturing partner, so you can be sure the console will be up to standards.        Giphy    Why is a Brazilian


10 Ways "Friends" Showed Us How To Make Thanksgiving Fun

It takes quite a bit for a show to become a standout - even more to have a lasting appeal over the years. Friends managed to do this, with its cast of wonderful goofballs who all could somehow afford to live in giant apartments in New York City even though half of them didn't have jobs a lot of the time. Each season, the six friends celebrated Thanksgiving with a big meal cooked by Monica, usually while something ridiculous was happening. If you want to try to host a Friends themed Thanksgiving dinner, here is what you need:    


20 Of The Best Guest Stars From The Simpsons

The Simpsons will be continuing at least until Season 30! Fox has confirmed that their show will surpass the record of longest running scripted series with a record 669 episodes. The Simpsons is currently in season 28 and continues to be a staple in television viewing. It would be hard to find a person who hasn't seen at least ONE episode of the Simpsons. One of the best parts of The Simpsons has always been the guest stars. Each season is filled to the brim with guest voices of celebrities, some playing themselves while others get a new character. Lets