
This Is The Best Version Of The "Duck Tales" Theme Song You've Ever Heard

When Disney announced a Duck Tales revival, people collectively lost their minds. With a star-studded cast coming in for the remake, it's possibly of the most anticipated revivals to date. Of course, there's the classic theme song (WEEOO!) which many people have tried to cover and make their own. But let's be honest, the original is the best. Or at least it WAS the best...until this version came around.Of course, it begs the question...who has the time? Frankly we don't care, though. Because it's flawless.


Are You Old Enough To Remember What This Is?

If you can tell what this mystery item is, either you're getting old or your car is.Here's a few hints before you guess: these little additions became standard in almost all cars in the 1950s, but disappeared in the 1990s and early 2000s.Now, there's a good reason you don't see them anymore, but some folks are pretty mad they're gone. You see, they're used for a habit that lots of people still do, and paying to add one to your car can be expensive.Have you given up, or did you know right away?PinterestThat's right, this little


Pictures Of The Dirty Dancing Remake Are Out And We Don't Know How To Feel About Them

When they first announced the Dirty Dancing remake as a three-hour-long TV movie, I wasn't sure how to react. The cast list has a few winners on it, but overall it feels like Dirty Dancing was a big enough classic that it should be left alone. Well, now the pictures have started to come out and it doesn't clear up any of my feelings towards it but it does give you a hint at what they are going for. Several of the cast members including Abigail Breslin, Sarah Hyland, Debra Messing and Cole Prattes have all shared pictures on Instagram


14 Incredible Photos Of Toys Coming To Life That Will Bring Back All Your Childhood Memories

When we were kids, one of the most important parts of the day was playtime. Those were the magical hours where we could get caught up in our own imaginations playing with a favorite action figure or barbie.From an outsider's perspective, we were just a bunch of kids tromping through the house with toys in our hands, but we knew better. We were The Swamp Thing Vs. King Kong, challenging each other to epic battles on the banister and under the stairs. Photographer Mitchel Wu captures what we all saw in our imaginations. With his toys and his lens,


10 Things You Never Knew About Burt Reynolds

The words "living legend" are thrown around a lot these days, but we say Burt Reynolds definitely qualifies for that description. Reynolds' career has spanned 6 decades and he's still working to this day. By the time he starred in his most famous role, one of the city slickers from Deliverance, he had already been a working actor for 10 years. After that he still had roles in films like Smokey and the Bandit, The Longest Yard and Boogie Nights to look forward to. If you've loved any of those films, you'll be interested in these 10 interesting facts about


How One Man Cheated To Win Over $100,000 On A Game Show

We've all imagined it: competing on a game show, getting every answer right, winning a truckload of money and retiring to enjoy the rest of our lives.The problem is that takes a lot of hard work and luck. Who has the time to memorize all the kings of England? Even if you did, what happens if you get a question about baseball instead?That's why Michael Larson's story is so incredible. He was an ice cream truck driver who managed to beat a TV network at their own game and win a record-breaking amount of money.Larson appeared on


11 Saying Kids Today Just Don't Understand

One of the easiest ways to make yourself feel old is to use an expression from your childhood and watch your children's faces turn blank. If you joke that someone chatty was "vaccinated with a phonograph needle" odds are nobody will laugh, and if you say "let's get down to brass tacks" they'll have no idea what you mean.But not all phrases go out of style just because they're uncool. Some are related to technology that nobody uses anymore, while others have really obscure meanings. See if you recognize the meanings of every expression on this list!1. Rewind


Almost 40 Years Later The Stars Of This Classic Commercial Reunited

If you grew up in the 70s or 80s you'll instantly recognize this classic ad for Coca-Cola.The commercial, which features Pittsburgh Steelers star "Mean" Joe Greene giving his jersey to a young fan, has become one of the most famous Superbowl ads of all time. To this day, fans of Greene's still repeat his famous line "Hey kid, catch!" and he's probably more famous for the 60 second ad than his actual football career.That's why last year CBS surprised the athlete by reuniting him with actor Tommy Okon, who played the fan in the commercial when he was


Do You Remember These Vintage Happy Meal Toys?

McDonald's introduced Happy Meals in 1979 and forever changed the face of fast food. Sure, they gave out toys before that, but getting one WITH your meal? Game changer.38 years later, McDonald's is still going strong with their brand and those glorious Happy Meals. If you're ever in the mood for a light lunch, order a cheeseburger Happy Meal and feel 10 years old all over again. Take a look through some of the best McDonald's Happy Meal Toys and see if you remember any of them. Fuzzy Memories TVRonald McDonald Mask, 1974ComplexTerrifying now, revolutionary then. Play-Doh, 1983ComplexIn the


Her Rescue Captivated The World, 30 Years Later She's No Longer 'Baby' Jessica

On October 14, 1987, Jessica McClure was probably the most talked about person in the world. Known as "Baby Jessica," she made headlines at 18-months old when she fell into a well in the backyard of her aunt's house in Midland, Texas. Rescuers took about 58 hours to retrieve her, while the world rooted for her. She remained without food or water the whole time but by some miracle, she was alive when she was pulled out of the 8-inch well. Getty 30 years later, the world is still curious about Baby Jessica and she is answering questions about her