
Every '80s Kid Had One, But You Probably Don't Know The Story Behind Monchhichis

Toys were simpler when we were young. You didn't need to have something that had built-in Wi-Fi, or a built-in camera, or a giant hard drive, you just needed it to be cute. We had all kinds of stuffed animals to love. There were Care Bears, and Cabbage Patch Kids, and Puppy Surprises, but one toy managed to carry forward from the early 70s and make kids fall in love with it forever. Who else had a Monchhichi when they were young? Probably every single one of you, right? But where did they come from?The BeginningFlickrMonchhichi first came out


Bill And Ted 3 Is Officially Confirmed, And They've Already Revealed What It'll Be About

The rumors have been swirling for years, but now the Bill & Ted stars have confirmed that a sequel is official happening. On Tuesday, Alex Winter tweeted "We're tuning the air guitars" and we already know a bit about what's going to happen in the new movie! TwitterThe gangs all hereOrion PicturesNot only are both Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter back to step into their roles, but they aren't the only ones. Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon have once again written the script for the new movie, which will take Bill and Ted on their third adventure. They do have a


10 Stories From 'The Breakfast Club' Set That'll Make You Glad You Never Got Saturday Detention

We all identified with one of them. Whether it was the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, or the criminal, one of those characters felt like they fit our experience.The Breakfast Club has managed to become one of those iconic movies that completely defines a generation, and yet there is still so much we don't know about the movie. Universal PicturesObviously working on a movie set with a bunch of young actors can get a little bit stressful, but some of the things that the cast and crew have revealed about their experience is pretty surprising. Honestly,


Shelley Duval Says That Robin Williams Is Alive And She Knows Where He Is

Robin Williams was one of our generations finest actors. He was a comedic genius with a mind that was constantly running a mile a minute. He was more clever than any of us could ever hope to be, and we were lucky to have had him for the short time we did. While he passed away too young, Williams made a lot of amazing hit movies. Movies like Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, and Good Will Hunting all proved he was capable at making entertaining content that we all loved. But his first big staring role in a motion picture was actually


Stirrup Pants Are Back In Style And We Don't Know How To Feel About It

We've all been there, the mall with our moms impatiently waiting to go to the toy section. She wants us to buy some new pants for school because we tore three holes in them last week. She says you have to try things on because you are growing too fast and she isn't sure what size you are, but honestly, there is nothing you want to do less than that. You rush through everything quickly, finding the size you need and then it isn't until years later when you look at the pictures of your childhood that you realize what


10 Iconic Toys From Your Childhood That You Couldn't Live Without

Let's be honest for a second, it's the internet, there is no one here to judge you. When you were growing up, what did you care the most about? Was it your family? No, that's just what you said near Christmas so you would get good gifts. Was it your friends? No, they weren't always there for you when you needed them. The thing we all cared about more than anything was our elaborate and extensive toy collections. Sure, does that make us all a little bit materialistic and selfish? Probably. But those are the facts and there's not much


'Happy Days' Star Reveals Which Cast Member They Didn't Get Along With And It's Absolutely Heartbreaking

Happy Days was one of the most beloved shows on TV. It had 11 seasons, and each of them managed to relate to families all over the country. It was one of those shows that you could watch with your family, but was entertaining enough that you actually enjoyed it. It was set back in the 50s and 60s, even though the show was running in the 70s and 80s, but it gave it that nostalgic feeling we all loved. The show followed Richie Cunningham, his dad, Howard, his mom, Marion, and his sister, Joanie, as they navigated through the


10 Memories We All Have Of Toys 'R' Us That Our Kids Will Never Understand

There was no event, no holiday, and no party that had the capability to bring the same amount of joy as a trip to Toys 'R' Us could. Okay sure, you can argue that Christmas was better, or your birthday was more fun, but think about it, Toys 'R' Us visits could happen at any time, but holidays are once a year. Okay, call me crazy, but it was absolutely the most fun outings ever, even if your parents didn't let you buy any toys. Why was it so fun just to wander around a store? Well, this may change


Corey Feldman Stabbed, Hospitalized - LAPD Call It "Attempted Murder" - Updated

Updated at 12:55 PMCorey Feldman was a popular actor in the 80s, starring in movies like The Goonies and The Lost Boys, but today people aren't focusing on his career, they are instead praying for his recovery. On Tuesday March 27th, Corey Feldman was attacked and stabbed in his car. He survived, and was rushed to the hospital, but he has a lot to say about the attacks. On Wednesday morning after the attack, once he was stabilized, he tweeted out a message to his fans. "IM IN THE HOSPITAL! I WAS ATTACKED 2NITE! A MAN OPENED MY CAR


15 Toys You Loved As A Kid But Then Completely Forgot Existed

The best thing about being a kid is that you have roughly zero responsibilities. Sure, you need to go to school, but honestly that's pretty simple. The only thing that we really cared about was playing with our toys. You might think that because our only concern was those wonderful toys, that we would remember them all, but that's where you're wrong. Our brains have been filled with useless and boring facts like how to file our taxes and how to pay our bills, so all of our favorite toys have slipped away. But don't worry, we've got you covered.