
You'll Soon Be Able To Get 'The Baby-Sitter's Club' With Their Original Covers

There are a few books that just scream childhood. Sweet Valley High was always a staple, Goosebumps were basically required reading, and then of course The Baby-Sitter's Club was crucial. There were always new adventures for The Baby-Sitter's Club to go on, but obviously we all had our favorites. Rumors started swirling about a new Baby-Sitter's Club TV show a little while ago, and while we were excited about it, there's something just extra special about the original books. Luckily for us, Scholastic realized this and has decided to make something for those of us who are feeling a little


Alleged 'Mortal Kombat' Reboot Character List Gets Leaked, Throwing Fans Into A Panic

The movie Mortal Kombat was a pretty exciting thing back in the day. While it's pretty popular for movies to be made out of video games now, back in the 90s it was all still new. The thing was, the movie didn't turn out as great as everyone expected. Critics hated it, and fans weren't completely sold on it either. While it made a decent amount of money, they kind of pushed their luck and made a sequel, seemingly killing the franchise. But it seems as though enough time has passed, and Warner Bros. and New Line are ready to


13 Snacks You Ate At Every 80s Birthday Party That You're Going To Start Craving Again

It doesn't matter that you can go to basically any grocery store and find a confetti cake mix. That's not the point. Never again will you be able go to Stacey Whatsherface's house and eat five cupcakes, a whole bag of a Cheetos, and a liter of fruit punch and have it bring you the same amount of joy. Right? Birthday party food just tastes better. The same bag of Cheetos tastes just fifty times better at a birthday party. I don't know why, no one does. It's one of life's greatest mysteries. Birthday party snacks are easily the highlight


Brace Yourself 90s Kids, Planters Cheez Balls Are Back

Who else has been craving Planters Cheez Balls since they vanished in the early 2000s? I know I have. Even though there are other brands that make similar things, nothing has ever been as good. But now, after decades of hearing us whine and cry, Planters has decided to bring them back for a limited time and we are all scrambling to get them. I don't know why their formula is so good, but those little cans of cheesy goodness will return to shelves on July 1st. The Impulsive BuyThey first went out of production in 2006, but after 12


15 Big Questions We All Can't Help But Wonder When We Watch The Movie 'Big'

I think we can all agree that Big is one of Tom Hanks finest roles. I know, I know, he's won awards and gotten more critical acclaim for a lot of his other movies, but that's not the point here. I know that Cast Away was great and Sully was amazing and Captain Phillips was absolutely breathtaking, but can we talk about Big for a second instead. This movie is an absolute trip. It is actually an Academy Award nominated film, so technically it's on the same level of awesome as those other classics, but this one has a plot


15 Of The Most Important Celebrity Mullets That Are Too Iconic To Forget

Let's talk about mullets. Yes, mullets. Why? Because they are an important part of our past, one that we should look at with reverence and admiration, not disgust and agony. Listen, I know what you're thinking. "Mullets aren't cool anymore, why would you still admire them?" Well, because they were a thing of beauty. It was a commitment, it was a brave choice, it was a bold look, and it was iconic. It wasn't just your average Joe's haircut, it was every celebrity in Hollywood, rocking those multi-leveled hairstyles like you wouldn't believe. I know it's hard to remember now.


7 Secrets From The Set Of 'Willow' That'll Make You Love The Classic Even More

The first time we all watched Willow when we were kids, we suddenly realized just how amazing the fantasy genre could be.  It took us on a crazy adventure that we will never forget, but there's a lot that went on behind the scenes that we didn't know about. Willow became a classic, and people still love it to this day, but so much went into the making of it, that it deserves even more credit than it gets. 1. George Lucas wrote the movie for Warwick DavisLucasfilmLucas met Davis on the set of Return of the Jedi when


Tom Cruise Shares First Photo From 'Top Gun' Sequel And It'll Give You The Need For Speed

When you got onto the highway to the danger zone back in 1986, you probably didn't think that you would ever do it again right? Well, buckle up because Tom Cruise's sequel is not only happening, but it's happening right now. That's right, the sequel to the 1986 classic Top Gun has officially started filming and people are super excited. Paramount PicturesCruise first announced the sequel on an Australian talk show after speculations about a Top Gun 2 had been circling for years. It was all the way back in 2016 when producer Jerry Bruckheimer revealed he was meeting with


Molly Ringwald Reveals How She Became John Hughes's Muse And What She Really Thinks Of His Movies

Molly Ringwald was basically the queen of the Brat Pack. She was in so many John Hughes movies that she is often considered his muse. She was basically everywhere in the 80s, whether it was Saturday detention with The Breakfast Club, celebrating her birthday in Sixteen Candles or being Pretty in Pink, Ringwald was there. Obviously it's not easy going through your teenage years in the spotlight, but Ringwald managed to come through the other side mostly unscathed. How did she manage it? She still feels like the same personUniversal PIcturesMost of us probably feel like we've changed a lot


7 Things We All Had To Do In The 80s That Kids Today Wouldn't Believe

The 80s were a pretty crazy time. We all accidentally inhaled a lot of Aquanet hairspray, everything was very colorful, and we all were busy watching MTV. Times have changed a lot in the last 30+ years, and now the world is barely recognizable. So much was different, especially for kids. Kids don't grow up the same way that we used to. They don't have the same issues that we did, they don't have the same hobbies as we did, and they certainly would have no idea how to handle themselves back in the 80s. If you were to send