Pop Culture

10 Movies No Studio Would Agree To Make Today

Times are really different now, especially when it comes to the film industry. People are much more aware of what is offensive and socially acceptable. The problem is, movies and TV shows live on forever so we have the record of what really happened. Even cartoons had a lot of content in them that would now be thought of as offensive, but when they were made it was acceptable. Did you ever notice these things when you were young? 1. The Siamese cat part in Lady and the TrampDisneyThe accent that these cats have definitely wouldn't fly these days. 2.


20 Amazing Sitcom Dads You Secretly Wished Were Yours

Having a good dad is important when you are a kid. There is a lot of stuff that your dad (or surrogate dad) can teach you and it's important to acknowledge him properly. Because we all grew up watching way too much TV, we probably spent a fair amount of time with some fictional dads. Let's give some recognition to those TV dads who brought us so much joy over the years! There are a bunch of great dads, and some so-bad-they-are-good dads that we all grew up with who deserve as much praise as we can give them. Check


10 Elementary School Situations You Dreaded, But Which Was Really The Worst? (Poll)

Everyone who successfully survives elementary school and middle school really deserve a special award. Some kind of honor bestowed upon them other than just graduating because it really is a crazy time. There are endless amounts of issues you face, not to mention the piles of homework, all while going through puberty? Just seems cruel doesn't it. We all faced a lot of problems growing up, but which do you think was worse?It's time to play a game and find out which was the worst thing we all managed to survive. How did your opinions compare? School was hard


20 Abandoned Amusement Park Characters You'd Probably Rather Not Find

There are few things that are more exciting than going to a theme park as a kid. Whether it's a Disney, Universal, or any smaller local park it will pretty much always be a good time. The problem is, not all of these are as long lasting as you may think. There are hundreds of abandoned theme parks all over the world that are just rotting away. The longer they sit, the less they look like a fun family excursion, and the more they look like the climactic scene of a horror movie. How would you feel roaming around an


13 Of The Most Important Games You Absolutely Played During Recess

There was no time more sacred than recess. I mean, it was so important they made a TV called Recess. But it wasn't just that we wanted a break from all those long division problems and spelling tests, we had important things to do!We all treasured recess as kids but what made it so special? The games obviously! We had to find ways to keep busy before cellphones were a thing! Whether it was using the play structures, jumping rope, or playing tag, there are so many games we played at recess that almost make you wish you could


What Do All The Kids From Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Look Like Now?

We all watched Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory when we were kids and dreamed about opening up our chocolate bars to find a golden ticket. We all wished that some eccentric candy man would give us the keys to a factory that made the most wonderful things.Unfortunately it never happened for us, but it's probably for the best, as most of us would have fallen into the traps long before we made it to the end. The kids who did get to go to the Wonka factory were such a big part of our childhoods it's normal to be


15 Theme Songs That You Absolutely Still Have Stuck In Your Head

Watching TV after school or on Saturday mornings was pretty much the highlight of your week. Finding that show that just captivated you completely was the best feeling in the world. The shows will probably stick out in your memory forever, especially the theme song. They always did such an amazing job making songs that could just embed themselves deep in your mind and then latch on as if they are some kind of melody leech. See how many you remember! There is something for everyone, see if you can find the shows from your childhood below! 1. FlintstonesYou knew


13 Fascinating Things You Probably Didn't Know About Shari Lewis And Lamb Chop

There are some TV shows that are such classics that literally everyone knows them. Lamb Chop's Play Along was absolutely one of those shows. I am so certain that you have seen this show that I can basically guarantee you are singing "The Song That Doesn't End" right now. Am I right? I knew it. Well there was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that you probably never knew. Shari Lewis is an impressive woman and it's about time everyone knew it! Check out these 13 fascinating facts that prove that she is the queen of kids'