
13 Reality Shows We Used To Obsess Over

If you flip on your TV right now and change to a random channel, odds are you'll land on a reality show.From cooking competitions with sappy personal stories, to home reno shows featuring sassy married couples, reality TV totally dominates the airwaves. But back when reality TV was still a novelty, we couldn't stop watching these 13 shows.1. Blind DateNBCTwo people go on a blind date, while cameras record them. The premise of this show is so simple, it's hard to believe nobody thought of it earlier. Okay, so there was a UK version, an Australian version, and


15 Totally Cool Facts About 'The Blues Brothers'

When the Blues Brothers made their debut on SNL nobody had any idea what to make of them, but by the time Jake and Elwood made the jump to the big screen they had no shortage of fans.Their classic comedy adventure still makes us laugh almost 40 years later, but we bet you never realized these 15 facts about the movie.1. Dan Aykroyd saved Carrie Fisher's life, then popped the questionUniversal PicturesAykroyd and the late Star Wars actress hit it off on set and became an item. But after Aykroyd saved Fisher's life, he decided to take their


Ricky Martin Is Back In The Spotlight, But Where Has He Been All These Years?

Lately it seems like Ricky Martin is everywhere, and it's giving us serious '90s nostalgia.Between wedding bells, a role on a hit TV series, and a residency in Las Vegas, we're all livin' la vida loca again. Warner Bros.But we also can't help wondering where he's been for the last decade or so. Martin was one of the most successful musicians on the planet in the early 2000s, but it feels like he dropped off the face of the Earth just a few years later.As it turns out, that's not too far from the truth.Martin (far


Meet The Woman Behind The Pattern That Defined The '90s

If you grew up in the '90s, you probably share a lot of strong memories with other '90s kids.From fashion to smells, there's almost nothing that can't give us flashbacks of our childhood. But one of the mostly strangely evocative trips down memory lane comes when we look at those plastic solo cups with the purple and blue designs.ThisIsWhyImBrokeThese disposable cups were everywhere in the '90s, and they fit right in with the bizarre designs of places like out favorite fast food restaurant. But, against all odds, the design is still around, and still selling like hot cakes


She Was A Huge Star In The 1980s, So Why Did Sean Young Leave Hollywood?

When Ridley Scott went looking for the perfect actress to play the android who was "more human than human," he settled on dancer and actress Sean Young.While Young's part as Rachel in Blade Runner was just her third film role, starring alongside Harrison Ford in the sci-fi epic made her an instant star. While she's arguably most famous for this breakout role, Young had no trouble finding jobs in Hollywood in the '80s.Young as Rachel in 'Blade Runner.'Warner Bros.She starred with Kevin Costner and Gene Hackman in No Way Out, where a fiery love


13 Facts About 'Tiny Toon Adventures' That Are A Little Loony

The cartoon that defined our Saturday mornings growing up picked up where the classic Warner Bros. cartoons left off, with a new cast of characters inspired by our old favorites.But we bet there's a lot you never knew about this classic series. Here are 13 tiny but toony facts about the show.1. The animator's followed the "Mother's House" ruleUnlike the original Warner Bros. cartoons, you never saw characters pointing guns at each other in Tiny Toon Adventures. But you also didn't see many characters being hit with chairs, smacked with rolling pins, or threatened with knives.Warner Bros.


25 Disturbing Garbage Pail Kids That Still Gross Us Out Decades Later

Long before fidget spinners were banned from playgrounds across America, teachers struggled to control the spread of the giddily disgusting Garbage Pail Kids cards.While we tried to get our grubby little hands on every single set of these trading cards, looking back we wonder how we could stomach the nasty designs. Here are 25 cards that still make our stomachs churn:1. Slain WayneToppsWhile boogers were the bread and butter of garbage pail kids, the cards weren't afraid to stray into very adult territory. This scene of a death by execution was definitely one of their most questionable images.


The Real Story Behind 'Cool Runnings' Is Even Weirder Than The Movie

It's hard to explain why so many kids fell in love with Cool Runnings.Yes, it's a funny movie with a lot of heart, but it was also a sports comedy about bobsledding at the Winter Olympics. The story of four Jamaican athletes competing in the icy sport was just too outrageous to resist, and today the movie is a cult classic.But if you think you learned the real story of Jamaica's groundbreaking bobsled team from the movie, you'd be wrong.As one of the real team members from the 1988 Olympics, Dudley "Tal" Stokes, revealed on Reddit, the


13 Forgotten TV Shows Based On Your Favorite Movies

Hollywood's philosophy is that one good turn deserves another, especially when we're talking about movies that gross millions of dollars.That explains why so many hit movies are recycled into TV shows, but as this list shows, the results don't always measure up to the original.1. Ferris BuellerStarcasmLasted for: one seasonOf course the hit movie made a lot of fans, but not many were willing to tune in to this series about Ferris and his everyday adventures. The show gave Jennifer Aniston her start in show business as Ferris's sister Jeannie.Despite the fact that John Hughes refused to


11 Surprising Facts About 'Small Soldiers,' The Movie That Put The "Action" In Action Figures

There were some truly strange movies to be found in the "Children's" section of your local Blockbuster in the '90s, but Small Soldiers was definitely unique.The action film about a batch of killer toys was marketed as family-friendly, but many parents were surprised by the movie's more violent scenes. The reason for that mixed message is one of our 11 surprising facts about the movie.1. It wasn't meant to be a children's movieDante on the set of the movie.CineplexThe film's director, Joe Dante, had already pushed the envelope for dark, family-friendly comedies with Gremlins. But he had