Pop Culture

Dare You To Read This And Not Miss Zoboomafoo

Zoboomafoo was one of those shows that not everyone remembers, but those who do absolutely LOVE it. PBSThe Kratt brothers would take us on interesting trips all over the place and teach about super cool animals. And of course they were always visited by their good buddy Zoboomafoo. PBSZoboomafoo was an awesome lemur who would hop into the "Animal Junction" and would turn into a puppet after being fed some fruit. Then he could talk and interact with the Kratt brothers and tell us all about his time in the Zobooland.GiphyThe Kratt brothers weren't just actors, Martin has a

Video Games

10 Things We All Did On MSN Messenger That Now Fill Us With Shame

The early 2000s were a tumultuous time with weird beauty trends and angsty music; we really had to find a few things to help us survive. The best and most popular way to thrive socially in the early 00s was to spend every possible moment on whichever instant messenger you were a fan of. MSN was by far the most popular, but there were also others like AOL and Yahoo. There were certain things we all did while using these services to make ourselves stand out, how many are you guilty of? 1. Typing your name out with aLtErNaTiNg CaPiTaLiZaTiOn


10 Backstreet Boys Music Videos That Will Make You Say "What Were They Thinking?"

Some say the Backstreet Boys have never left, but who cares because it is time to yell out: Backstreet's Back, ALRIGHT! The band will be celebrating their 25th anniversary next year. That's right, 25! To celebrate this monumental occasion the boys are hitting the road on a worldwide tour and we couldn't be more excited. MTVNot everyone can make it all the way out to Las Vegas to enjoy their epic performances, so at least this way they can come to us instead! Everyone needs some more BSB in their life. Can you believe it's nearly 25 years of Backstreet


15 Beauty Trends From The Early 2000s That You Wish You Could Forget

We have all made some regrettable decisions in our lives, that is just a fact. One thing that we have all been guilty of is following trends that really didn't deserve to be followed. We didn't have the Y2K problems we expected, but this new millennium did present a different issue. All the sudden we became these monsters who thought eyebrows were evil and bronzer was the most important part of your look. A lot of us fell victim to the 00s trends, and it's time to start the healing process and admit that we made some mistakes. The first

Pop Culture

Party of Five Was One Of The Greatest Shows Of The 90s, But What Do The Salingers Look Like Now?

Party of Five was one of the most iconic shows of the 90s. It always seemed to get compared to the other dramas intended for young adults, like 90210 or Melrose Place. Combia Tristar PicturesThe story followed the five Salinger kids who were dealing with the loss of their parents after they were in a car crash. The oldest son was only 24-years-old and he had to take over as the new head of the family. Columbia Tristar PicturesCan you believe it has been almost 25 years since the premiere of this show? Crazy! A lot of the actors in


Someone Gave Toad Human Legs Now And It's Hilariously Awful

Everyone is familiar with the Nintendo franchise Mario, right? Well, the important question is are you familiar with the character Toad? Toad is one of the characters who frequently pops up in a many of the games. He is a small little guy who has a high-pitched voice and an iconic mushroom-themed hat. NintendoThe fact that Toad is having his own little moment in the sun is maybe a little bitter-sweet, because it really isn't for anything Nintendo did. A lot of people are talking about him right now, not because of a new game or any related news about


11 Monkey Movies That Made You Go Bananas As A Kid

Animals are pretty much the best thing on the planet. Whether you are referring to a house pet, a farm animal or even a fictional cartoon, nine times out of ten, the animal is going to steal the show. There are of course a lot of dog movies out there that we all know and love, but have you ever realized just how many monkey movies there really are? Maybe it's because genetically we feel so connected to them, or maybe it's just because they are so cute. Either way, monkeys are everywhere and it is AWESOME! Here are some


13 Educational Toys That Made Us Feel Like We Were Super Technologically Advanced

There were times when we were kids that we thought nothing could ever stop us. Now, the older we get the more we realize that we are becoming super outdated quickly. PopRewindSome people do their best to keep up, but honestly it's too exhausting. Maybe it's just easier to remember the glory days of our technological superiority. Remember when we used to have all those super cool computers that made us feel super smart? Pretty much all the coolest things were little computerized toys which made us all felt like we were living in the space age. Do you remember


Man Was Confused About Harry Potter Books, Turns Out He Was Reading Something Else

Harry Potter is one of the biggest franchises in the world. The books have been out for a long time now and while it may seem like everyone has read them, there are still a lot of people who are being introduced to them for the first time. GiphyYou would think that jumping into the Potter-verse would be easy enough to follow, seeing as how it's literally everywhere, but apparently it can be a little trickier than expected. Chris Chappell wanted to get into the Harry Potter books. He had never seen any of the movies or read a single


11 TV Sidekicks Who Stole the Show From The Main Character

Having a good imagination was pretty important when you were a kid. There were so many amazing toys and games that you could play, but the way to ensure they were going to be the maximum level of awesome was to tap into that youthful and innocent imagination. One of the most enjoyable things to imagine was having a pet or animal buddy that you could hang out with. I guess you could try to convince your parents to get a pet, but they weren't really the same as some of the ones you saw on TV. A lot of