
Geoffrey The Giraffe Says Goodbye To Toys 'R' Us And We Can't Help But Get Choked Up

The time has come. Even though we tried to put it off, delay it, or pretend it wasn't happening, the day has arrived. Toys 'R' Us is gone. The doors are closed, the stores are empty, and Geoffrey is out of a job. That's right, Geoffrey the Giraffe, the one who you were always so excited to see when you were a kid, is now unemployed. A former employee of the store shared some final photos of the now empty location before the doors closed for good, and it's absolutely heart-wrenching to see all those empty shelves. It's the store


13 Snacks You Ate At Every 80s Birthday Party That You're Going To Start Craving Again

It doesn't matter that you can go to basically any grocery store and find a confetti cake mix. That's not the point. Never again will you be able go to Stacey Whatsherface's house and eat five cupcakes, a whole bag of a Cheetos, and a liter of fruit punch and have it bring you the same amount of joy. Right? Birthday party food just tastes better. The same bag of Cheetos tastes just fifty times better at a birthday party. I don't know why, no one does. It's one of life's greatest mysteries. Birthday party snacks are easily the highlight

Video Games

NES Classics Are Coming Back To Stores Way Sooner Than Anyone Thought

Remember when the NES Classic came out? Remember the frantic frenzy we all experienced while we rushed to the stores to buy one, or spent all day refreshing the website to order online?Well, now you're getting your change to get one, because Nintendo has decided to re-release the NES Classic! The 8-bit system came out back in 2016, after The original NES was out of production for decades. They made the machine a little smaller, but the controllers were the same, and now it was actually loaded with a bunch of the iconic games we all love to play.


Mel B. Claims A Spice Girls Reunion Tour Is Happening, No Matter What Victoria Says

It's been a wild few months for Spice Girls fans. First, we totally freaked out because they got together and hinted at a reunion, we heard the rumors of all of Victoria Beckham's conditions, then our hopes were completely dashed when she said there were no plans to tour, but reignited when they said there were other Spice Girl projects in the works. It's been months of torture for us, because we just want to know where we should set our standards. Are we getting some appearances on talk shows, or will they be doing full on concerts? We need


10 'Golden Girls' Tattoos That Totally Say "Thank You For Being A Friend"

The Golden Girls was one of those shows that managed to transcend generations. It didn't matter if you were 15 or 50, chances are you were watching this show. We couldn't get enough of them, even when they had more than enough of each other. It seems like their impact on the world is lasting through the years, and now people seem to want to get a bunch of tattoos to truly thank them for being a friend. Do you think you would ever get a Golden Girls tattoo? Check out these and see if there's something you'd consider. 1.


Brace Yourself 90s Kids, Planters Cheez Balls Are Back

Who else has been craving Planters Cheez Balls since they vanished in the early 2000s? I know I have. Even though there are other brands that make similar things, nothing has ever been as good. But now, after decades of hearing us whine and cry, Planters has decided to bring them back for a limited time and we are all scrambling to get them. I don't know why their formula is so good, but those little cans of cheesy goodness will return to shelves on July 1st. The Impulsive BuyThey first went out of production in 2006, but after 12


The 'Double Dare' Reboot Has Arrived, And It's Everything We Wanted It To Be

We've all been waiting around semi-patiently since the Double Dare reboot was announced in April. We knew that the show would come out eventually, but we couldn't help but be excited. It's one of those shows that even if it was rebooted, there's really very few ways they could ruin it. Well... That's not true but we had our hopes.  When they announced the new host in May, we were at first a little concerned that Marc Summers wasn't going to be there. But we realized very quickly they were going to team up, letting the new host take


'The Jerry Springer Show' Is Ending, But We'll Never Forget These Iconic Moments

After over 4,000 episodes, 27 seasons, and countless fights, The Jerry Springer Show is ending. That's right, never again will we hear the crowd yell, "JERRY, JERRY" as a bunch of people throw chairs at each other on stage. The thing is, because the show has been on so long, we all tended to take it for granted. We just assume that we can turn the TV on at any time and watch some ridiculous fight about some topic that we didn't know was an issue. But there are a lot of things we will miss about the show.

Pop Culture

Roseanne Barr Speaks Out, Gets Emotional In First Interview Since Being Fired

A month ago, Roseanne Barr made a comment that ended up costing her everything, and now she is speaking out on how she is handling the changes that have been made to her creation. Barr's tweet upset millions of people, including the executives at ABC, who decided to pull Roseanne from their fall schedule. They weren't willing to continue to support Barr or excuse her behavior, so canceling the show was their only option at the time. However, this meant that hundreds of crew members and fellow castmates lost their jobs. In order to get those jobs back, ABC began


You Can Buy The Original Sweet Valley High Books From The 80s Again And We're Psyched

You remember all those Sweet Valley High books that you read 600 times while you were in middle school and high school? Well, someone has found a way to bring them back exactly as you remember them. Yes, you can still buy new versions of the books in most stores, but you've got to admit that there is nothing as satisfying as seeing those original covers with the Wakefield twins we remember from our childhood on the cover. These teen novels were what all of us were obsessed with, but unfortunately as we got older, a lot of us ended