The History of Casinos

In the technologically-driven climate that we currently find ourselves in, it seems that our experiences are enhanced when things move online. This is certainly true of online casino; the market is forecasted to be worth in the region of 94 billion dollars by the time the year 2024 rolls around. Indeed, with new sites and platforms popping up daily, the industry is showing no signs of slowing down. However, the online casino sector owes a lot to the traditional brick and mortar casino, complete with dusty old rooms and vintage oak croupier tables. With this in mind, we've taken a

The Lottery in the Early '00s and How it Has Changed

The lottery has changed drastically since it became one of the most highly-anticipated games at the turn of the century. In the United States, lotteries first burst onto the scene in 1612 when King James I sought to raise funds for various regions, including British settlements within North America.However, over 400 years later, the lottery has changed drastically from not only its very origins, but also from how the game was played in the early '00s. Following these changes, we’re going to consider what factors have been at the very heart of the evolution of the lottery.Changes


We Finally Have An Explanation For Die Hard's Biggest Plot Hole

After Die Hard was released in theaters in 1988, it became one of the biggest action movies of all time. And that still holds true today. Whether you watch it every Christmas or when you have a hankering to see Bruce Willis kick some ass, there's no doubt that Die Hard never gets boring. At the time, Bruce Willis was known for the TV series Moonlighting, but this film skyrocketed him into stardom. Hollywood ReporterDie Hard became so popular that it was followed by four sequels, and there may be one more in the works. As great as the original


11 Things You Didn't Know About The Greatest Bobsled Team Of All Time

Have we just been transported back in time, or did our favorite childhood movie just become reality? Now that the Winter Olympics are in full swing in Sochi, we have all eyes on the Jamaica bobsled team and we are getting flashbacks of our favorite underdog team.Cool Runnings was that movie you watched on the Disney channel as a kid 25 years ago. Based on a true story, this 1993 movie has only gotten better with age as we re-watch and relive the experience that captured us more than two decades ago. Telling the story of the first Jamaican


"What's The Deal With The "Seinfeld" Revival?"

"No more soup for you."That's how we felt when Seinfeld aired their final episode in their ninth season in 1998.  On the air for 10 years, we had grown accustomed to the humor that Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer encountered on a daily basis. Making us laugh about relationships, politics, and the struggles of living in New York City, the four-some was a hit on TV screens across the country. ImgurComing to a natural end ten years later, we weren't sure if we would hear from Jerry and the gang again, but a recent interview we got the


Joss Whedon's "Firefly" Is Getting All New Stories, Because "You Can't Stop The Signal"

So it's been 15 years since Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Zoe Alleyne Washburne, her husband Hoban "Wash" and Jayne Cobb flew through the sky in one of the most captivating cult hits to ever air on television in the early 2000s. Whether it was the sexual tension between Mal and Inara, or the adorable nature of Kaylee that had you coming back for more, Firefly is one of the greatest works from Joss Whedon after his Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel sagas. Firefly was Whedon's creation that was intended to mix a space opera with a Western. Having been a


The Best 90s Drinks We All Hoped To Find In Our Lunch

Remember the days when your mom or dad would pack your lunch? Now most of us are packing our kid's lunches and I couldn't help but notice, the contents are far less fun than they used to be. Sure, now they have Kool-Aid Jammers, and Minute Maid juice boxes, but they're also missing out on some key drinks that got us excited to open our lunchbox in the cafeteria. While we all remember flipping through the latest issue of Tiger Beat as we watched MTV in our bedrooms, many of us have forgotten about some of the best drinks of

Pop Culture

Family Sues Doctors and Pharmacy In The Wrongful Death Of "3 Doors Down" Guitarist

I remember going into my room, closing the door, and blasting "Kryponite" when I just didn't want to think about anything other than the beat. 3 Doors Down had that sound that really resonated with most of us in the 90s, and even now you can't help but turn it up when it comes on your playlist. In 2016, we were saddened to learn that lead guitar and backup vocalist, Matt Roberts, had died of an apparent overdose in a hotel outside of Milwaukee. The musician, who left the band in 2012, was only 38-years-old at the time of his

Pop Culture

Jeff Goldblum Continues To Be A National Treasure In New Jurassic Park Ad

I think we can all admit that Jurassic Park was one of the best movies of the 90s. Whether it was your obsession with dinosaurs, the amazing music or Jeff Goldblum, this movie stands the test of time. So does that famed actor. ThrowbacksOriginally coming out in 1993, this movie was ahead of its time. Getting creative with the dinosaur sounds and how to shoot the rippling water, they clearly knew what they were doing to capture us into their world. We all got excited when we found out Dr. Ian Malcolm would be reprising his role in the Jurassic


The Best TV Theme Songs Of The 80s You Have Forgotten About

TV shows today just don't seem to put the importance on the opening theme song as we did in the previous decades. This is a shame because when I think of my favorite shows of the 80s and 90s, the opening credits bring back a flood of welcomed nostalgia and gets me excited to relive the great episodes. In honor of the lost art of opening theme songs, here's a list of the top TV themes of one of greatest decades in television history. Which one will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day? 12. Miami