
Activities All '90s Kids Loved That We Completely Forgot About

In 2018, kids eat Tide Pods. In the 90s, we really knew how to have fun without seriously damaging our organs. Here's a list of our favorite 90s activities you almost forgot:1. Mad LibsWhen we were young we used these to practice how to use nouns, verbs and adjectives. When we got a little older we learned which dirty words were nouns, verbs and adjectives. We thought we were hilarious and prayed our moms never found it and read it. amazon2. Skip-ItThe Skip-It was a close second to the ultimate ankle destroyer, after the Razor Scooter of course. This


90s And 00s Beauty Crimes We Were All Guilty Of

When looking back on our old photos, we can't help but think, "What was I thinking?" This era was a really rough time for the beauty community and I hope we can all just forget it ever happened.. Here's a list of eight beauty crimes we all committed:1. The skinny browI feel like this looks even worse now that big brows are in. I hope this trend never comes back, it was painful trying to keep up with tiny brows.instyle2. The top ponyYou know that ponytail coming from the top of your head looking like a waterfall? That's


7 Movies That Wouldn't Fly If Released Today

These classic films weren't seen as "racy" in their time, and we would have never thought twice about them being anything other than funny. In today's strongly politically correct generation, all of these films would be looked at as extremely offensive and flat-out unacceptable. 1. Breakfast at Tiffany'sAlthough this is still a classic that we all love, the problem is with Mickey Rooney, a white actor who plays the Asian character, Mr. Yunioshi. With buck teeth and a fake accent, it seems like the filmmakers weren’t even trying to be politically correct. CBS2. Ghostbusters This movie has just about


10 Pop Stars From The 90s That Have Aged Like Fine Wine

It makes me happy to report that our favorite 90s pop stars are still great to look at. Here's a list of 10 that have aged perfectly:1. NSYNCNSYNC stole our hearts in the 90s and they're back at it in 2018 when we realized they're hotter than ever.Popcrush2. Justin TimberlakeAlthough Justin was part of NSYNC, he deserves his own recognition because seriously, just look at him. He is considered one of the best looking men, and you can probably see why. He will also be playing the half-time show at the Super Bowl this year. eonline3. Backstreet BoysThe


Scenes That Always Make Us Wish Our Lives Were Like An '80s Movie

I think we can all agree our lives would be better if they were an 80s movie. Here's a list of 8 80s movies scenes we wished happened in our lives: 1. The Breakfast Club - Closet SceneThe look Bender gives Claire still melts my heart.eightieskids2. Pretty In Pink - I Love You SceneI don't think anyone's proms were actually this memorable. All I remember from it was a sweaty gym with awkward dancing, definitely not crushes proclaiming their love for anyone.   womas day3. Dirty Dancing - Final DanceI had the time of my life rewatching this scene


10 Things That Smell Like Your Childhood

Ever smell something that immediately takes you back to your childhood? Here's a list of 10 things your life hasn't been the same without: 1. Lip SmackersMy mom stopped buying these for me after I started eating all the good flavours. Fragrantica2. Mr. Sketch MarkersAh, the days when sniffing markers was encouraged. Super Coupon3. CrayonsThis smell is so distinct that every time I smell it, I am instantly brought back to colouring a dog that resembles more of a potato with legs. Mashable4. Old Textbooks That smell of 50-year-old dust hitting your face as soon as you open a textbook.


6 Things All Girls Who Were Obsessed With Horses Loved

If you were a horse lover when you were young, these were staple items in your childhood:1. HeartlandHeartland books were the absolute best, and it was even better when they turned it into a show. It was good when it started, and it is good now. We all desperately wanted to live on a horse ranch in Virginia like Amy.  Also, for anyone who doesn't know, Heartland is on Netflix!EquiPeper2. Seabiscuit If this movie didn't make you want to go find Seabiscuit and make him your own, you're probably not a horse lover. This movie could also

Pop Culture

It's Been 28 Years Since They Forgot Kevin The First Time, So Where's The Cast Of 'Home Alone' Now?

Ever wonder where the Home Alone cast ended up, and why you've forgotten all about them? Here's what they are doing now. Macaulay Culkin AKA Kevin McCallisterMacaulay is now 37 years old, and is not looking as cute as he once did. After taking a step back from acting, Macaulay Culkin says he is now spending his free time as a roadie. The former child star, appeared to confirm his exit from acting In 2016, when he announced he had “essentially retired”.BrightsideCatherine O'Hara AKA Kate McCallisterCatherine is 63 years old and is living in Toronto, Ontario. She has been


The Generation Of Kids Born In The Late '70s and Early '80s Finally Have A Name

If were born during the late 70s or early 80s, you are most likely grouped in with the annoying millennials or pessimistic Gen X's. Good news, you're neither!There is now a micro generation between the years of 1977 and 1983 called Generation Xennial. If you're born in one of these seven years, you've probably found that you don't fit into either of the existing generations surrounding you, this is because you shouldn't! Xennial's are different and therefore they get their own mini generation. wethepvblicTypically, Xennials don’t have the cynicism associated with the Gen X generation, but they also