
20 Things That Will Remind You How Old You Really Are

They say that time passes more quickly the older you get, and considering that with every passing year I get increasingly jealous of how well Betty White has aged compared to me, I'm starting to feel like that's a legit thing. Live footage of me, right nowGiphyAnd as we get older, there are all sorts of interesting facts that start popping up to remind us that time is slipping away from us, and clearly it's all the younger generation's fault. Here are some of the things that are forcing us to ask "just where has the time gone?"Also me.


Atari Is Releasing Their Own Version Of The NES/SNES Mini

While Nintendo has been the lasting name for video games consoles we grew up playing, there are plenty of us old enough to remember when Atari was the brand to beat in the console wars.The company has certainly struggled in recent years, but thanks to the popularity of all things nostalgic, it looks like they're aiming to make a comeback. At E3 back in June, Atari teased their new "Ataribox," which would be their first console since the Atari Jaguar came off the market in 1996. The problem was their teaser video was almost too vague, leaving everyone confused


15 Things We All Did In The '90s That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

It can be painful to consider just how much time has passed since the '90s (seriously don't think too hard about it) and how much of day-to-day life has changed since then.  ImgurBut it's hard not to be reminded when you start to realize some things that were 100% totally fine then are now at best completely unacceptable and at worst worthy of complete social exile. Here are some of the things we never thought twice about doing in the '90s that we could never get away with today.1. Stopping by someone's house completely unannounced to see if


15 Movie Facts That Sound Fake But Are 100% True

Thanks to the internet, there are all sorts of crazy secrets we can find out about our favorite stars and movies, but every once and a while you come across a fact that just sounds too out there to possibly be true. Sometimes they even turn out to actually be fake, but that's not the case for these 15 wild pieces of movie trivia.1. James Cameron was a truck driver, until he saw Star WarsWe can thank Star Wars for giving us theseWikimedia Commons / 20th Century Fox / TriStar Pictures / Paramount PicturesJames Cameron has given us some of the greatest


16 Summer Hits That Will Take You Right Back To 1997

It's not hard to see why we all loved the summer so much as kids: the weather was beautiful, all the best movies were coming out in theaters, and most importantly, we didn't have to go to school. While we can't go back to those simpler days, we can take a look back at some of the music we listened to during our favorite season of the year.1) I'll Be Missing You - Puff Daddy & Faith Evans ft 112Arista, Puff Daddy RecordsOne of the biggest stories to hit music in 1997 had to be the murder of rapper Notorious


9 Damn Fine Things You Need In Your Life If You're Obsessed With Twin Peaks

One of the most wonderful things about the '90s has to be just how openly weird it was. Our movies were weird, our toys were bizarre, hell even our drinks were strange. But when it came to television, you couldn't get much weirder than Twin Peaks. Thanks to the delightfully insane mind of David Lynch, what seemed like a small town murder mystery became, well, something else entirely.GiphyWhile we finally got the triumphant return of the series (at least for a little while), what is a coffee-loving, cherry pie-eating fan to do once there are no new episodes? Well,


13 Famous Artists Who Never Had A #1 Song

While music charts aren't necessarily a good indicator for whether or not a song is good, it's definitely a marker for its popularity. Of all the charts in the US, none are bigger or more important than the Billboard Hot 100. Since 1958 the Hot 100 has been the industry standard for measuring the success of singles.Wikimedia CommonsBut if one hit wonders are anything to go by, having a song hit the top of the charts doesn't always mean much. And then there are those artists that, despite long-running careers or lasting fame have never reached that pinnacle. Here


The 20 Biggest Toy Fads From Our Childhoods

No matter when you were a kid, there were certain toys that everyone was obsessed with having. Sometimes these fads lasted just a few months, but sometimes their popularity endured. How many of these toys were you obsessed with growing up?Giphy1) SlinkyWhile they first exploded in popularity in the '50s, they never went away. These were way more fun than a coil of metal or plastic had any business being. While it worked the best if you made it go down stairs, the possibilities were pretty much endless. Tables, book shelves, your own hands, pretty much anything could be


The Strange And Surprising History of Pogs

Of all the fads that we were gifted in the '80s and '90s, the simplest and most colorful was undoubtedly pogs. Looking back on it now, it seems almost strange how we all became so obsessed with what were little more than small cardboard disks and plastic coins with pictures on them. The game itself was fairly simple, you had pogs - the small cardboard circles - and slammers, which were heavier, thicker, and usually made of plastic. First you'd decide whether or not you were playing for keeps (aka keeping the pogs you won, giving up the ones you


DeLorean Driver Gets The Best Speeding Ticket Ever

Normally getting a speeding ticket is a bad thing, but a Santa Clarita DeLorean owner is actually pretty excited about the ticket he got this week. GiphySpencer White was driving on the 14 Freeway with his mother, when they realized they were going 85 miles per hour. You can probably see where this is going. “My mom, she’s looking at me and she just says, ‘Take it up to 88, let’s do it,” White said.GiphyWhile they didn't break the space-time continuum, they did end up breaking something else - the speed limit. Of course, that was the