
20 Songs You Always Listened To On Your Discman That You Haven't Thought About Since

There really is no other way to put this, if you remember these songs you are definitely getting closer to 30+, than you are to 21. There are songs on this list that we wish we could forget, and the younger generation should be glad that they never had to live through a time where these were blasting on car radios. But some of these hits bring back memories of simpler times, handing out with our friends, doing things we enjoyed before we had to start "adulting".  1. Strong Enough - Cher Cher has been around forever. This isn't


10 Times That 'Recess' Described Our Childhoods Perfectly

Recess was one of the greatest kid's shows to ever grace the television after school and on Saturday mornings. It may have been wildly exaggerated, but it was still more than a little relatable for all of us. It taught us more about life than we realized, and looking back, it did help shape my childhood. 1. Teacher's Lounge Every one of us always wondered what went on behind the door of the teacher's lounge. It was a somewhat mystical place, where we assumed that they sat there and smoked cigarettes, drank bourbon, and relaxed. In reality, they more likely


8 School Experiences We All Had That Today's Kids Will Never Understand

The grade school and high school experience has definitely changed since the days that we were all stuck in the classroom. As I watch my own children go through the early grades, I am blown away by how much things have changed, and how little I truly understand the motivations for those changes. We all made it through those years (mostly), and we are none the worse for the wear. I am all for progress, but when we make progress simply for the sake of it, or when that progress affects our children's abilities to grow into fully functioning members


10 Facts About "The Shawshank Redemption" That Will "Lock You Up"

The Shawshank Redemption is one of the greatest movies ever made, and is likely the greatest prison movie to ever hit the big screen. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins put on such epic performances that you actually wouldn't mind being locked up with the two of them if you had a choice about it. Here are 10 facts about the making of the movie that will have you heading to Netflix to watch it again. 1. Technically Andy left prison a millionaire.Andy spent roughly 20 years locked up at Shawshank Prison, and over that time, he helped the warden


A Party Just Wasn't A Party Without These 10 Jams From The 2000s

The early 2000s were a pretty good time to be a teenager. It was a transition time between the 90s (which were terrible for a lot of reasons) and the current culture that we have now (which needs no explanation). The house parties I went to in those years were pretty good, and we had some pretty good music to jam out to while we drank our sodas. And we all know that a party just wasn't a party without some great music. Here are 10 jams from the early 2000s that you would (and expect) to hear when you


10 Toys From Your Childhood That Are So Much Better Than What Kids Have Today

In the age of technology and ridiculously realistic video games, it is hard to keep a child's attention with anything that might be considered "old" or "low-tech." It is hilarious that what we loved to play with as kids are looked at with such disdain by the newer generations of children. But most of that disdain comes from the fact that they have never actually attempted to play in this place that we used to call "outside."1. Velcro throw and catch ball game.This was one of those things that always seemed to come out when it was time


9 Totally Awesome Facts About The 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Movie That Will Have You Saying Cowabunga!

It might have started out as a joke by the creators, but when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie hit the big screen in the early 90s, it was anything but a joke to the people who lined up to see it in droves. Let's be real for a minute, based on how popular TMNT was during the 80s and 90s, is anyone actually surprised that the movie was as successful as it was? Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo were everyone's favorite (or at least top 5) Saturday morning superheros, so when they went big screen, everyone took notice. As

Pop Culture

"A Walk To Remember" Hit The Big Screen 16 Years Ago So Here Are 13 Facts You Might Not Have Known

Alright, full disclosure, as a man, I have grown to hate any movie that is associated with a Nicholas Sparks novel: that is except A Walk To Remember. I will fully admit that it was one of my guilty pleasures when it came to movies in the early 2000s, mostly because I had a rather strong crush on the female lead Mandy Moore. ew.comThe movie turned 16-years-old earlier this month, and we felt like it was time to look back on the clear-cut chick flick that even men don't hate. 1. This was Mandy Moore's first leading role. She


10 Fictional Teachers From Our Younger Years That We Would Have Loved To Have Had

Whenever you would get your report cards at the end of the school year, it would always be a mad rush to see who was written in as your homeroom teacher for the following year. It would have a pretty decent impact on your summer, and on how enthusiastic you were going to be heading back to school in September. We all had that one teacher who had a massive impact on who we were as students, and as people, but there were also those teachers who made us wish we were living in a fictional world, with a fictional


10 Animated Movies That You Always Seem To Forget About

It seems that a new animated movie is hitting the big screen, the television, or going straight to DVD every other week. With so many films inundating the market, it makes it hard to remember all of the classics that we used to watch as children. Even if we do remember most of our favorites, there are always those ones that we watched and loved, but completely forgot about as the years passed by. If you need a little bit of a reminder, hopefully this list will bring back memories of watching these movies, so that your kids can enjoy