Life | Toys

13 Toys We Dare You Not To Giggle At When You See Their Names

Advertising to children can't be an easy job, and every toy company under the sun is doing their best to be the next big thing. Sure, things like Transformers and Polly Pocket seemed to be licenses to print money from the get-go, but who could've predicted the popularity of things like Furbies and Tickle Me Elmo? In the toy world, advertising is everything.

Every toy ends up trying to have a witty name, but in the case of these 13 toys, their names ended up less witty and more...  filthy.

I'm pretty sure you'll get slapped if you invite someone over to play with your Wooly Willy.


Not sure what's worse, the name or the toy...


I'm kinda afraid to play this game.


Um... all I can say is "why?"


I never realized how raunchy this toy name was until now.


I feel like there's a market for this one, but to CONSENTING ADULTS!


The toy names just get crazier from here...

This one I'm all for. F*** the Smurfs.


Combined with the general look of the toy, this is all kinds of wrong.


Guys, seriously, what the hell?


No, SERIOUSLY, did nobody catch this?

Kidz Fun

This is just creepy on so many levels.


My Little Pony's been getting pretty weird.


I'm pretty sure I've seen a completely different toy called "Dr. Drill 'N Fill..."


Which of these made you laugh the hardest?